【4K航拍】摩尔多瓦 基希讷乌 Chisinau, Moldova 🇲🇩
基希讷乌(Chisinau)是摩尔多瓦的首都,也是该国最大的城市。它位于比克河畔,素有“东欧绿色之城”的美誉。基希讷乌是摩尔多瓦的政治、经济和文化中心,拥有丰富的历史和独特的建筑风格,从苏联时期的建筑到现代化的发展交相辉映。城市内分布着许多公园和博物馆,如玫瑰谷公园和国家历史博物馆,为游客提供了放松和了解当地文化的绝佳机会。此外,基希讷乌还以其葡萄酒文化而闻名,周边地区出产的葡萄酒享誉全球。这里人们热情好客,是探索摩尔多瓦风土人情的理想起点。 Chisinau is the capital and largest city of Moldova, located along the Bic River. Known as the “Green City of Eastern Europe,” it serves as the country’s political, economic, and cultural hub. Chisinau boasts a rich history and diverse architectural styles, blending Soviet-era structures with modern developments. The city features numerous parks and museums, such as the Rose Valley Park and the National Museum of History, offering visitors a chance to relax and immerse themselves in local culture. Additionally, Chisinau is famous for its wine culture, with nearby regions producing world-renowned wines. The city’s warm hospitality makes it an ideal starting point for exploring Moldova’s unique charm.
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