京东 11.11 红包
7.10 Rational and irrational roots of polynomials 多项式方程有理数解作业、无理数解讲解
Prealgebra lesson 4
7.31 多项式除法Ch6作业、多项式方程的整数解
7.15 Mersenne numbers, Fermat primes, twin primes, and factorials 梅森数、费马素数、孪生素数
Prealgebra lesson 2
4.27 Prealgebra exponent homework 指数作业讲解
7.29 Palindromes and special numbers hw 回文数及特殊数作业
7.20 Fractions, mixed numbers HW 分数作业讲解(带分数、假分数、分数运算、应用题等)
6.22 Ch 3 Number theory homework 数论基础作业讲解
7.24 Factoring by grouping, sum and difference of powers 分组因式分解、高次和差公式
7.22 Factorials, perfect, abundant, deficient numbers, palindromes 阶乘、盈数亏数完全数、回文
9.13 Circles Homework 圆的竞赛习题讲解
8.7 多项式难题、多变量多项式因式分解 Polynomial Problems, Factoring Multivariable Polynomials
3.22 丢番图方程,反函数 Rationalizing the denominator, SFFT, Diophantine equation, invers
7.24 Polynomial synthetic division hw, the remainder theorem 多项式综合除法作业、余式定理
9.16 等差数列、等比数列竞赛难题第二部分
3.31 二次方程竞赛题讲解,单位圆
6.20 Basic functions, trig identities, complex numbers, and polar coordinates
10.10 代数数论习题 Part 2 Algebra with integers
6.5 Remainder theorem, factor theorem Ch 6-7 homework 余式定理、因式定理、代数基本定理习题
7.6 Ch 4 fractions, complex fractions, powers of fractions 分数乘除法、分数的幂,繁分数
11.19 线性方程作业、画图解线性方程组
PreCal 11 lesson 10 二次函数单元测试讲解
数论第二课 因数个数、因数乘积
10.1 代数数论习题 Algebra with integers
8.31 Solving basic linear equations homework 解基本一元一次方程
AMC 12 lesson 2 方程基础与三角恒等式
7.3 The fundamental theorem of algebra, bounds, graphing, and applications
10.21 斜率、斜截式、直线方程练习
PreCal 12 lesson 19 圆锥曲线中圆的方程和习题
5.26 Arithmentic and geometric sequences and series 等差等比数列
4.26 Function transformations and inverse 函数图像变换,反函数
PreCal 12 lesson 20 直线方程、圆的习题
9.9 等差数列、等比数列竞赛难题,求和符号Sigma,求积符号Pi
7.10 Parabola and circle hw. Ellipses and hyperbolas. 圆与抛物线作业习题、椭圆、双曲线
4.12 Circles, composite and inverse functions 圆,复合函数,反函数
PreCal 11 lesson 5 二次项系数不为1的配方、二次方程求根公式
Prealgebra Lesson 31 一元一次方程竞赛题、小数运算
7.21 Absolute value functions, graphing, and review of Precal 11 绝对值方程图像,数学11总复习
PreCal 12 lesson 10 等差数列、求和符号
AMC 10 Algebra special factorization lesson 1