京东 11.11 红包
【TEDed】《未选择的路》The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
转载:TEDed An animated interpretation of Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken"
什么是教育?What's Education For?
【TEDed】为啥要读《哈姆雷特》Why should you read Hamlet?
【TEDed】婚姻简史The history of marriage
【TEDed】学习双语的好处The benefits of a bilingual brain
【TEDed】蒙古帝国的兴衰The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire
【TEDed】《我不能为死神驻足》——艾米莉·狄金森“Because I could not stop for Death”by Emily Dickinson
【TEDed】同声传译是咋回事儿?How interpreters juggle two languages at once?
【TEDed】人权是什么?What are the universal human rights?
好童年vs坏童年 Good and Bad Childhoods
【TEDed】警惕:现代民粹主义的崛起The rise of modern populism
【TEDed】我们应该摆脱标准化考试吗?Should we get rid of standardized testing?
【TEDed】城市化与未来之城Urbanization and the future of cities
【TEDed】时间,存在吗?Does time exist?
【TEDed】我们离消灭艾滋病有多远?How close are we to eradicating HIV ?
【TEDed】如何在压力下保持冷静?How to stay calm under pressure
【TEDed】疫情大流行什么时候才能结束?When is a pandemic over?
【TEDed】《二度圣临》The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats
【TEDed】秘密反抗纳粹的学生The secret student resistance to Hitler
【TEDed】假新闻是如何传播的?How false news can spread
【TEDed】你能辨别标题党吗?Can you spot the problem with these headlines ?
【TEDed】古罗马最著名的医生Ancient Rome’s most notorious doctor
【TEDed】为什么我们会思乡怀旧?Why do we feel nostalgia?
【TEDed】抑郁症是什么?What is depression?
【TEDed】西西弗斯神话The myth of Sisyphus
【TEDed】一桩“莫须有”案件——塞勒姆审巫案发生了啥What really happened during the Salem Witch Trials ?
【TEDed】5个技巧提升你的批判性思维5 tips to improve your critical thinking
【TEDed】弗洛伊德与历史的审判History vs. Sigmund Freud
【TEDed】为什么棉花无处不在?Why is cotton in everything?
【TEDed】什么是马基雅维利主义者?What “Machiavellian” really means?
【TEDed】瑜伽对你的身体和大脑有什么作用?What yoga does to your body and brain?
【TEDed】面对冠状病毒,肥皂or洗手液,哪个好?Which is better?Soap or hand sanitizer
【TEDed】人吃人——食人主义简史A brief history of cannibalism
【TEDed】狗狗简史A brief history of dogs
【TEDed】怀孕会带来什么影响?The surprising effects of pregnancy
【TEDed】人类VS病毒【上】Hunman VS Virus (合集)
【TEDed】什么是冠状病毒?What is a coronavirus?
【TEDed】为啥久坐对身体不好?Why sitting is bad for you?
【TEDed】历史vs哥伦布History vs. Christopher Columbus - Alex Gendler_x264