京东 11.11 红包
【MCPK|转载】Iris Verification | Hardest Onlysprint
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEmYwevxziA 原作者:Majikal (https://www.youtube.com/@majikal5455) 原视频上传时间:2023-09-23 原视频简介: Back at it again a year later for a random accomplishment in parkour, and then dip for another year. Mostly proud of how this turned out. The build was sorta rushed but it looks fine enough. As for the gameplay, love most of it. Really fluid and barely got tiring even after hours of verification. But when it did get infuriating, I sadly had to nerf a couple spots, most notably checkpoint 5, which I'm kinda devastated by. Still insanely hard though, and I wish anyone trying it the best of luck. Thanks to joshyscott for editing most of this and supporting me through this, along with all others in the onlysprint discord (parkour enthusiasts join!!!) Verification time: Almost 30 hours Practice + Playtesting: ~25 hours Total: 55 hours on this (and however long it took to build the deco) Wrists: Destroyed (they already were tho) Here's a more specified experience: CP1: Easy-going, fluked a lot of it though. CP2: WTF I did not expect this cp to be so hard. I did it while playtesting once, buffed a little bit, never turned back. Big mistake. Least fun cp imo CP3: Not as bad as I thought. The beginning is way easier than the end, but it's long so it's still failable. Least interesting cp. CP4: Another case of me underestimating a cp. Really short but filled with hard asf jumps, had to get a few nerfs (especially on the last jump). CP5: The hardest checkpoint by far, even with the major nerfs. Took so long, but I still stuck with it for the most part. Again, really devastated with the nerfs, I did it in less than an hour with them, but whatever. CP6: freebie Music: • At Our Life's End – Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed ~ Original Soundtrack OST (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3HcLKYAkbY&t=0s) 侵删
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