Total causal effects in MPDAGs- identification and minimal enumeration
Causal Inference of Truncation-by-Death with Unmeasured Confounding
Causal inference and counterfactual prediction of treatment benefit: modeling...
Causal determinants of postoperative length of stay in cardiac surgery using...
Identification and Estimation of Treatment Effects on Long-term Outcomes in...
Learning Causal Representations for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
Advances in Causal Representation Learning: Discovery of the Hidden World
因果前沿讲座:冯福利-Causal Inference for OOD Recommendation
Mediation analysis with the mediator and outcome missing not at random
Intention-to-Treat Comparisons in Randomized Trials
Mendelian Randomization Analysis with Pleiotropy-robust...
Harnessing Extra Randomness: Replicability, Flexibility and Causality
Sparse Mediation Analysis with Unmeasured Mediator-outcome Confounding
On Regression-adjusted Imputation Estimators of the Averag
Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease- is Moderate Drinki
How to Use Latent Patient Preference when Evaluating the Optimal Dynamic...
Design-based theory for cluster rerandomization
一作深度解读KAN与MLP - 还原论还是整体论?
因果前沿讲座:贾金柱-Evaluating Causes of Effects by Posterior Effects of Causes
Confounder Selection Via Graph Expansion
Likelihood Based Mendelian Randomization Analysis with...
Fighting Noise with Noise- Causal Inference with Many Candidate Instruments
A Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimizing Sequential ...
Causal Discovery with Latent Variables Based on Higher-Order Cumulants
开幕式Opening Ceremony
Transporting subgroup treatment effects under multi-source data
Constructing stabilized dynamic surveillance rules for optimal monitoring...
Vaccine Effectiveness Estimation Under the Test-negative Design....
On prediction, action and interference in algorithmic fairness
Causal Inference and Recommendation 银奖:Architect-华南理工大学队
Randomization and Covariate Adjustment in Split-plot Designs
Towards Causal Revolution: On Learning Heterogeneity and Non-Spuriousness in ...
Causal Learning & Machine Learning
Causal Inference and Transfer Learning 银奖:代表月亮消灭你队
Causality-inspired ML- what can causality do for ML
Causal Inference and Transfer Learning 银奖: CVTEDMer-CVTE中央研究院队
Outcome-adaptive LASSO for confounder selection with time-varying treatments
Causal Inference and Recommendation 金奖:Nanoda-南京大学队
Learning Causal Representations for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning_
Drop-in of concomitant medication
Causal Inference and Transfer Learning 金奖:机器不学习啦-腾讯&厦门大学队