京东 11.11 红包
【elwonoccino】 gyro support is more dangerous than gyro carry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYqLBwCvHdA 搬运自油管 elwonoccino
【elwonoccino】 the definition of a genius (7.33)
【elwonoccino】 ladies & gentlemen, beastmaster in 7.33
【elwonoccino】 slark pickers in a nutshell
【elwonoccino】 axe can one-shot medusa full hp in 7.33
【elwonoccino】 how do you sleep at night after this?
【hOlyhexOr】 The Nightmare of every Carry Player
【elwonoccino】 stunned for so long he could watch an entire movie
【elwonoccino】 the proof cm persona is pay 2 win
【elwonoccino】 super dazzle
【Titaniadota】 Yapzor shows why his Rubick is one of the best out there
【Titaniadota】 SAVAGE Slacks exposes what Dota players are afraid of
【elwonoccino】 the next lottery winner is a nature prophet picker
【Titaniadota】 Attacker did the "just tp" but 5Head instead of 4Head
【hOlyhexOr】 Zai Gigachad Snapfire
【Titaniadota】 "Arteezy is still farming btw" -classic Arteezy farming while his
【Titaniadota】 "that was Sick" -Zai did a midair Marci Supplex on Techies Blast-o
【Titaniadota】 "is this Balanced" -Dubu's reaction to Razor Bloodstone tanking 5
【hOlyhexOr】 one of the best feelings in Dota 2
【hOlyhexOr】 how many clicks does a rampage truly need?
【Titaniadota】 classic Arteezy BabyRage: "why you take 1st blood MF!"
【elwonoccino】 you think razor is op cuz you didn't see this
【elwonoccino】 "The best fighter is never angry" - Sun Tzu
【Titaniadota】 definition of a SMURF account encountered by Qojqva
【Titaniadota】 Grubby's reaction to Ursa shard & Ulti stacking automatically so y
【Titaniadota】 "the Harpoon is an ERROR sign!" -Gorgc demos Harpoon ERROR sign bu
【Titaniadota】 Nisha the Rune Master steals the Haste rune from EG
【Titaniadota】 "4200 gold btw" -Gorgc tests Timber Aghs & Oracle Fortune's End in
【Titaniadota】 Gorgc asks w33 if he's ready for Div 2 action
【elwonoccino】 how to kill tormentors in 3 seconds
【hOlyhexOr】 why you should NOT move your courier at start
【Titaniadota】 "Jeezus he's just Flaming him" -Qojqva reacts to Ceb calling Saksa
【elwonoccino】 Valve gave him a free arcana & rampage the same day
【Titaniadota】 a Rare Courier Rampage achieved by Jenkins
【Titaniadota】 Antimage vs Tidehunter EPIC battle
【elwonoccino】 karma has no mercy sometimes
【hOlyhexOr】 The Play
【hOlyhexOr】 This Mirana is playing Dota 3
【Titaniadota】 "Invoker is MEGA Buffed" -Gorgc checks patch 7.33c changes to Invo
【Titaniadota】 "that's kinda Broke" -Qojqva tests Aghs QoP interaction with PL do
【Titaniadota】 Saberlight tests Power Treads swapping while affected by AA ulti