京东 11.11 红包
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何成为一个自律的人 How to be a self-disciplined person
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何解决焦虑 How to cope with anxiety
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何摆脱“无效努力” How to get better at the things you care about
【TED演讲 竖屏】别陷入“温水煮青蛙”What frogs in hot water can teach us about thinking again
【TED演讲 竖屏】帮你省钱的三个心理技能 3 psychological tricks to help you save money
【TED演讲 竖屏】你该认清你的恐惧而不是目标 Why you should define your fear instead of your goals
【TED演讲 竖屏】怎么走出负面情绪 A simple trick to improve positive thinking
【TED演讲 竖屏】成功的关键不是智商,而是毅力 The power of passion and perseverance
【TED演讲 竖屏】我们为什么要工作 The way we think about work is broken
【TED演讲 竖屏】心流,幸福的秘密 Flow, the secret to happiness
【TED演讲 竖屏】20岁,光阴不再来 Why 30 is not the new 20
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何维持一段长久的友情 what makes a friendship last?
【TED演讲 竖屏】生活不仅仅是快乐 There’s more to life than being happy
【TED演讲 竖屏】拥抱焦虑 What's normal anxiety -- and what's an anxiety disorder?
【TED演讲 竖屏】从肥皂剧里学到的人生道理 4 larger-than-life lessons from soap operas
【TED演讲 竖屏】运气对成功有多重要 What role does luck play in your life?
【TED演讲 竖屏】我把自己活成了艺术品 My life as a work of art
【TED演讲 竖屏】你可以冒一点风险来增加你的运气 The little risks you can take to increase yourluck
【TED演讲 竖屏】我受够了对肥胖的恐惧 Enough with the fear of fat
【TED演讲 竖屏】一个在摸索的青少年 A teen just trying to figure it out
【TED演讲 竖屏】拖延者人群的内心世界 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
【TED演讲 竖屏】改变自己只需要两年 You don‘t need more than 2 years
【TED演讲 竖屏】睡眠与记忆的惊⼈联系 Hacking your memory with sleep
【TED演讲 竖屏】请相信,你可以进步 The power of beliving that you can improve
【TED演讲 竖屏】学习即自由 To learn is to be free
【TED演讲 竖屏】学会⾛出⾃⼰的舒适区 Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
【TED演讲 竖屏】记得说出感谢 Remember to say thank you
【TED演讲 竖屏】别再emo了,教你治愈心碎 How to fix a broken heard
【VOA英语听力】走向世界! 《黑神话悟空》惊艳全球玩家
【TED演讲 竖屏】人们为什么总相信虚假信息 Why people fall for misinformation
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何才能幸福 What makes happy life?
【TED演讲 竖屏】为什么你应该知道你同事的工资 Why you should know how much yourcoworkers get paid
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