京东 11.11 红包
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 双皮奶
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 双皮奶 双皮奶,是一种粤式甜品。清朝时起源自顺德,用水牛奶做原料。现遍布于广东、澳门、香港等地。据说,双皮奶(顺德)始创于清朝末期,是顺德当地一位农民在清晨烹制早餐的时候,不小心在水牛奶里翻了个花样,无意中调出民间美食“双皮奶”,并流传至今。 Double-skinned milk, also called shuangpinai, is a traditional dessert in many places of Guangdong. It was first invented in Shunde which is in the south of Guangdong. You can easily make it at home. Prepare 200 ml of fresh milk, two egg whites and some sugar. First, heat the milk on low heat. Stop heating it before it boils and pour it into a bowl. A milk layer forms when the milk gets cool. Second, beat two egg whites with some sugar. When the milk cools off, it can be poured into the egg white. Try not to break the milk layer and leave it in the bowl. The milk and egg whites should be mixed. Finally, pour the mixture back into the first bowl and let the milk layer float on top of it. Cover the bowl and steam it for about 10 minutes. Now, let’s enjoy the dessert.
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 皮影戏
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 可可西里与巡山队
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 剪纸
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 夏至
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 大元帅府
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 赵佗
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 苏东坡
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 机器人
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 月牙泉
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 云南汽锅鸡
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 杭州西湖
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 唐诗
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 糖画
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 厦门环岛路
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 水立方
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 拙政园
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 艇仔粥
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 江南古镇
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 大闸蟹
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 桂林
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 魔都
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 秋分
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 谷雨
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 热干面
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 十二生肖
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 济南趵突泉
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 大明湖
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 南浔古镇
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 广东
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 秋分
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 造纸术
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 惊蛰
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 大雪
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 中秋
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 珠江新城
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 | 小雪
A100校本课程:用英语讲中国故事 西双版纳