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艺术家的工具- 惠普HP ZBook X2 G4移动工作站
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=warHRYkIBpI 视频源标题:Artist's Tool - HP ZBook X2 G4 Mobile Workstation 视频源简介: In this video I wanted to talk about a new work tablet I got from HP which is the Zbook X2 G4. This mobile workstation uses some great features that were already found on Wacom tablets and the Microsoft Surface Pro yet combines it all into a slim and easy to travel with package. I am an artist. I primarily work on films as a director and cinematographer so I always need a laptop that I can use to write scripts, make sketches for storyboards etc. I also need a machine that allows me to do some video editing while traveling. Plus for personal use I love to take and retouch photos which is a lot easier to do with a pen that I can use directly on the screen. Until I bought the Zbook from HP, my favorite tool for all this work was the Microsoft Surface Pro which I reviewed in a pervious video. Now I find myself using the Zbook more simply because it's a more completely package. Overall though it is a great tool for a cretive individual such as muself. Specially if you get it at the price I did from B&H where I saved a $1000. The model I have is the mid tier one with the Intel Core i7-7500U Dual-Core CPU which clocks in at 2.7GHz with 8GB of DDR4 RAM and 256GB SSD. It also has the NVIDIA Quadro M620 Graphics Card with 2GB of Ram. For my use which is mainly sketching, photo retouching with ocational video editing it works great. Now if you want a more powerful version that will really allow you to do most video editing jobs, then I would suggest that you go with the Quad-Core 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7-8550U CPU model that also has 16GB of RAM. All of the models by the way can be upgraded to 32GB of memory.
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