京东 11.11 红包
How Does Google Google_
The DR-DZ equivalence II
Jordan Ellenberg_ What does machine learning have to offer number theory_ (NTWS
Crystallography of hyperbolic lattices_ from children's drawings to Fuchsian gro
Unsolved Combinatorial Games Richard K. Guy liked and others he would have liked
The Unity of Combinatorics_ Connections and Wonders
Easy detection of (Di)Graphical Regular Representations
Moments and periods for GL(3)
Khovanov homology and 4-manifolds
A Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model of the Immune Response to SARS-COV-2
Calibration of time varying contact compartmental models of SARS-COVID-19
SHM - 160115 - Constructivismes en mathématiques - Marie Françoise Roy
Ilya Shkredov_ Higher Sumsets and Energies in Additive Combinatorics and Number
Modelling future biomedical interventions in the COVID-19 epidemic
Extreme first passage times
SHM - 04112016 - Porous media modelling with 250 years old methods - Gerhard WAN
SHM - 160115 - Constructivismes en mathématiques - Frédéric Brechenmacher
Geometry, Logic, and Philosophy_ The Case of the Parallels Postulate
4-genus bounds from the 108+4 theorem
Something's wrong in the (cellular) neighborhood_ Mechanisms of epithelial wound
Mathematics, Colonization and Empire
Exact Lagrangians in conical symplectic resolutions
Ruzsa Imre Előjeles prímek újból II.
Mathematics of diffusive signaling and the role of receptor clustering in chemore
Mean-Field Game for Collective Decision-Making in Honeybees via Switched Systems
The immune response to SARS-CoV-2_ Friend or Foe_
Models for immune system interaction and evolution
SHM - 18122015 - Mathématiques et jeux histoires croisées - Lisa Rougetet
Sums of Fibonacci numbers close to a power of 2
Oscillations in Mertens’ product theorem for number fields
Andreas Thom - Graph limits and applications to group theory II.
SU(2) hadrons on a quantum computer
Floer Homology Applications 2
VD1-Convex and Discrete Geometry Summer School
Michel Waldschmidt Representation of integers by cyclotomic binary forms (NTWS 0
Localized outbreaks in S-I-R model with diffusion
Geometry of Numbers_ Lecture 8 of 13
Variational Autoencoders_ an introduction to new applications and a new regulari
Finding Moonshine A Mathematician's Journey Through Symmetry