【神谕卡收藏】艳阳神谕卡 OracleOfTheRadiantSun 牌面展示
录制时间:2022-2-12 艳阳/占星神谕卡 OracleOfTheRadiantSun US29.9 RMB248 Oracle of the Radiant Sun: Astrology Cards to Illuminate Your Life 太阳之神谕:星象卡照亮你的生活 by:Caroline Smith, John Astrop Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Red Feather (February 28, 2019) 语言: 英文 84张牌+说明书 The powerful orb of the life-giving Sun has been worshiped from time immemorial. Its regular passage across the sky was used by the ancients to predict events, and this became the astrology we know today. Now, with 84 beautifully illustrated symbolic cards and comprehensive guidebook, you too can follow the Sun’s path across the heavens and use its light to help guide your life. This oracle has seven suits, with each representing a significant planet as it moves through the astrological zodiac. Discover the meanings of the planets in the twelve astrological houses and zodiac signs, apply quick-and-easy reading methods for a range of consultation levels, and even receive a year-long astrological forecast. By shuffling the deck and selecting cards, you will find guidance on any question! This fun-to-use system will shed light on all your life issues in an accurate and perceptive way. 赋予生命的太阳这个强大的球体自古以来就被人们崇拜。它在天空中有规律的移动被古人用 来预测事件,这就成为了我们今天所知道的占星术。现在,84张精美插图的象征性卡片和全 面的指南,你也可以跟随太阳的路径穿过天空,用它的光来帮助指导你的生活。这个神谕有 七套,每一套代表一个重要的行星,因为它在占星十二宫里移动。在十二个占星宫和十二星 座中发现行星的意义,应用快速和简单的阅读方法进行一系列的咨询,甚至收到一年的占星 预测。通过洗牌和选择卡片,你会找到任何问题的指导!这个有趣的系统将以一种准确和敏 锐的方式揭示你所有的生活问题。
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