【Obey Me!】The Tale of the Seven Lords: The Musical 活动副本:TSL音乐剧
【Obey Me!/中字】きらめく涙は誰のもの?
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】The Phantom Butterflies 活动副本录屏
【Obey Me!/中字】ブルータルリンドウを君に
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】Invitation to a Candy-Making Mecca 活动副本
【Obey Me!】Mammon the Bunny
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】Happy Holidays! 圣诞活动副本-Merry Devilish Christmas!
【Obey Me!】A Surprise for You! 二周年活动副本(全语音)
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】The Scroll of Thirst 活动副本剧情录屏
【Obey Me!】We All Stan Together. Leviathan生日活动副本2023
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】第一年玩家生日电话(按生日当天时间顺序)(全角色7+5+3)
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】Dust Storm Panic 活动副本-沙尘暴
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】Mammon: Best Breakfast Recipes 卡牌剧情录屏
【Obey Me!/双语】ASMR 01.忘れられない一日をしよう
【Obey Me!】Leviathan's Otaku Birthday Bash 生日活动副本
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】Terrible Time Trouble 活动副本
【Obey Me!】Belphegor: Skull Swap
【Obey Me!】Solomon 2022生日活动副本
【Obey Me!】来自Asmodeus的约会邀请
【Obey Me!】The Three Worlds Festival(全语音)三周年活动副本剧情录屏
【Obey Me!】Set Sail for Treasure. 活动副本-海上寻宝
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】游戏内电话合集 (持续更新)
【Obey Me!】Asmo 2022生日活动副本
【Obey Me!】活动副本-Western Showdown!
【Obey Me!】Magic Creature Mayhem 活动副本-魔法蛋
【Obey Me!】活动副本-The Cyber What?
【Obey Me!】主线40章结尾BGM
【Obey Me!】The Devil's Detective 活动副本-名侦探咩咩
【Obey Me!】Luke生日活动副本2022
【Obey Me!】Mammon: Seven Rulers of Hell 卡牌剧情录屏
【Obey Me!】Mephisto's Turn 卡牌剧情录屏
【Obey Me!】White Christmas! 活动副本-雪落圣诞
【Obey Me!】Wedding Craze 卡牌剧情录屏
【Obey Me!】Happy Birthday! Dear Simeon. 2022生日活动副本
【Obey Me!】Happy Birthday! Dear Mammon. 生日活动副本
【Obey Me!】Happy Birthday! Dear Barbatos. 生日活动副本
【Obey Me!】Lucifer's Color Night
【Obey Me!】活动副本 Of Steamworks and Demons
【Obey Me!】Asmodeus: All I Want for Christmas Is You
【Obey Me!】Nothing Left But You (短信)