京东 11.11 红包
【转载】增材制造的背景和标准化 Additive manufacturing: Background and Standardization
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsntgIyDxaw&t=2882s Additive manufacturing has established itself as a competitive technology for a growing number of applications. This presentation will give a brief background for the development of additive manufacturing technology, explanations for some of the key fundamental concepts, and describe the ongoing work to develop international standards for additive manufacturing through a unique collaboration between ISO and ASTM International
【转载】FLOW3D增材制造模拟Additive Manufacturing: Continued FLOW-3D Webinar-2018-44min
【转载】【马普所】【增材简介】Introduction to metal additive manufacturing
【转载】Corrosion performance of a wire arc additive manufactured 316L alloy, Penot
【转载】增材制造Control of structure, properties, and defects in additive manufacturing
【转载】Tresa Pollock: "At the Crossroads of Additive Manufacturing ”
Microstructure Modelling of Additive Manufacturing of Alloy 718 - Chamara's PhD
Modeling of additive manufacturing - a lecture by Dr. Tuhin Mukherjee
【转载】Control of microstructure in additive manufacturing by Dr. Alex Plotkowski
(MIT) The Trajectory of Metal Additive Manufacturing 金属增材制造的历程
Machine Learning in Additive Manufacturing
【转载】Multi-metal additive manufacturing: in-situ alloying, composition control
Disruptive design via additive manufacturing_ Chris Williams at TEDxVirginiaTech
Grain Growth during Additive Manufacturing - MS&T 2020
金属增材制造介绍-Metallic Additive Manufacturing
【 600+集】最火Super Jojo 2024年整合版 英语启蒙必看 小朋友超爱【英文版638集+中文版1-5季290集 适合0-8岁】
【转载】Smart Metal Printing - a plenary talk,增材制造
【转载】Multi Metal 3D Printing by Meltio 20220511
【转载】FLOW3D-金属增材制造模拟-Laser Welding and Additive Manufacturing Webinar-2017-58min
【转载】Choosing Material Family to Minimize Weight_Mass & Meet Deflection
【转载】增材制造镍基合金718微观组织研究 Characterisation and Metallurgy
【转载】Cost competitiveness and quality consistency in metal printing
【58集 情景英语】实景教学 58个主题场景 Ariannita 英语口语 地道英文听力材料 素材干货学习 外教老师发音 讲解技巧 合集分享 英文完整字幕
【转载】Metal Additive Manufacturing, a Reality Check
【16集全】刚好适合B站大学生看的英语动画短片,学习完一个月词汇量突飞猛进,沉浸式英语学习提升,多个高质量英文动画快速提升词汇量、口语、听力,刷完词汇量暴涨 (
【转载】原位合金化-Using In-situ Alloying to Overcome Material Limitations in Metal AM
【转载】增材制造钛合金表面粗糙度对于拉伸、疲劳性能的影响 Prof. Ma Qian 马前教授
【转载】Melt pool Modeling for Additive Manufacturing Webinar | FLOW-3D AM
[转载] Why do dendrites form in metal alloys 金属枝晶的形成原因简单介绍
【转载】增材制造钢的疲劳性能-Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Steel
Reducing surface roughness in additively manufactured parts
[转载] ParaView_ probe data and plot over a line
【转载】Lionel Messi - A God Among Men - Documentary
【转载】如何理解 Pourbaix Diagrams 电位-pH图
【转载】Prof. Leo Kestens Ghent University 织构形成过程及其影响
【极化曲线和EIS计算腐蚀速率】Calculating Corrosion Rates with LPR and EIS