京东 11.11 红包
Mikhail Bezverkhny-Saint-Saëns Concerto 3(1976伊丽莎白冠军)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qoCL-ywdmw Grand Prix - Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels1976 完整版见P2 以下是摘自油管网友的评论: Amazing to find! More than 10 years ago, my teacher made me a CD of Bezverkhny playing Saint-Saens 3 and Wieniawski 1. It was the first time I had actually heard him play other than in watching"The Winners" documentary. It's so lovely to see the video for the first movement of Saint-Saens.He is a true master of the instrument. A damn shame the Soviet Union eventually banned him fromleaving the country which de-railed his career. More should know his name! I would like to share a short anecdote l heard about this competition. Bezverkhny, like all other potential Soviet competitors, had to appear before a committee before he was allowed to leave the country and compete. The committee, headed by Leonid Kogan, gets to pick what you'll play. Kogan picked Saint-Saens 3 in an attempt to embarrass Bezverkhny, and also prevent him from winning. Obviously, we know he won in '76, but what a feat to overcome!
Mikhail Bezverkhny - Ludwig Spohr Violin Concerto #2 in D min Op.2
杨天娲-圣桑b小调第三小提琴协奏曲 Camille Saint-Saëns, Violinen Konzert No 3 h-moll op.61
Mikhail Bezverkhniy - Viotti Concerto No. 23 for Violin and Orchestra in G major
拉威尔的生平与时代(生肉)-Maurizio! The Life and Times of Maurice Ravel
Kerson Leong梁乔信 排练普罗科菲耶夫第一小提琴协奏曲小片段
薛伟–圣桑第三小提琴协奏曲Saint-Saens Violin Concerto No.3
梁乔信 Kerson Leong-科恩戈尔德D大调小提琴协奏曲 Korngold Violin Concerto-2018
请感受来自上世纪毛女的降维打击-Zoria Shikhmurzaeva-Mansur Muzafarov Violin Concerto in B Major
Valery Klimov演奏作品集
拉威尔F大调弦乐四重奏-Capet String Quartet
Ilya Kaler-拉威尔:茨冈
Tossy Spivakovsky - Leroy Robertson Concerto For Violin & Orchestra
Kolja Blacher - 拉赫玛尼诺夫:练声曲Rachmaninoff: Vocalise, Op. 34
Tchaikovsky Competition violin laureates:1958 to 1990
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Nikita Magaloff-拉威尔:高贵而伤感的圆舞曲 Ravel: Valses nobles et sentimentales
钱舟-伊萨伊:哀歌 Eugene Ysaye Poème Elégiaque, Op. 12
前苏联女小提琴家Zoria Shikhmurzaeva演奏合集
1953年隆-蒂博金奖女小提琴家Nelli Shkolnikova演奏合集
Gérard Poulet -拉威尔G大调第二奏鸣曲 Violin Sonata No. 2 in G Major
于翔-帕格尼尼 No.17 Paganini Caprice No. 17 - Angelo Xiang Yu
于翔-茨冈 Ravel Tzigane - Angelo Xiang Yu
薛伟(1989)布鲁赫g小调第一小提琴协奏曲 Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1
59年隆蒂博银奖-罗马尼亚小提琴家Stefan Ruha演奏合集
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薛伟-Porgy and Bess选段(自听截取)
于翔-柴可夫斯基D大调小提琴协奏曲 Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D major, Op 35
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Ida Haendel - Stravinsky Violin Concerto in D
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Gérard Poulet-拉威尔:哈巴涅拉舞曲 Ravel Pièce en forme de Habanera
Ruggiero Ricci:德沃夏克a小调小提琴协奏曲(1981年与悉尼交响乐团)
法国小提琴家Gérard Poulet-弗朗克A大调奏鸣曲 Franck Violin Sonata in A major
Itzhak Perlman-E.Bloch:Nigun 帕尔曼-尼冈即兴曲
杨天娲-科恩戈尔德D大调小提琴协奏曲 Korngold Violin Concerto
Isaac Stern(艾萨克 斯特恩)-普罗科菲耶夫D大调第一小提琴协奏曲
Gérard Poulet-巴赫无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲和组曲(Gagliano de 1743)
Eduard Grach - Paganini Sonatas For Violin & Guitar
前苏联小提琴家Boris Goldstein演奏合集