京东 11.11 红包
Categorical actions in geometry and representation theory - Clemens Koppensteine
转自 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc9IFWBerUQ
∞-category theory for undergraduates
On the crossroads of enumerative geometry and representation theory – Andrei Oko
Geordie Williamson (Univ. of Sydney) _ Representation theory and geometry
Synthetic mathematics with an excursion into computability theory
Ravi Vakil_ Algebraic geometry and the ongoing unification of mathematics _Scien
Jacques Carette What I learned from formalizing Category Theory in Agda
Favonia- Cartesian cubical type theory
张寿武 - L-functions
Evan Patterson: "A Short Introduction to Categorical Logic"
Thierry Coquand - Computational Interpretation of Topos Theory
Carlo Angiuli, Computational semantics of Cartesian cubical type theory
Kuen-Bang Hou (Favonia), Towards efficient cubical type theory
Anders Mörtberg - Unifying Cubical Models of Homotopy Type Theory
Introduction to Deligne-Lusztig Theory
Algorithmic invariant theory - Visu Makam
An introduction to Invariant Theory - Harm Derksen
Homotopy type theory working invariantly in homotopy theory -Guillaume Brunerie
Martin Escardó, Constructive mathematics in univalent type theory
Amélia Liao- Univalent Category Theory
Gerhard Hiss Representation theory for groups of Lie type
Bas Spitters - Homotopy type theory, synthetic topology and probabilistic progra
Lawrence Paulson Formalising Contemporary Mathematics in Simple Type Theory
Raphaël Rouquier - Geometric representation theory as representation-theoretic g
Implementing a Modal Dependent Type Theory
Computational Type Theory - Robert Harper - OPLSS 2018
Tests,Games,and Martin-Lof's Meaning Explanations for Intuitionistic Type Theory
2014.6.4, 戎小春, 数学所讲座:A tour to metric Riemannian geometry
Thierry Coquand, Sheaf models and constructive mathematics
数学:数与形的结合以及它能给予我们什么 - 求是科技基金会
数学所讲座 - 王崧 - 数,我们怎样认识她
Higher Category Theory For Beginners With homotopy.io
André Joyal --- Homotopy type theory a new bridge between logic, category theory
L-function: Its Past and Future - 张寿武
Univalent foundations and the equivalence principle - Benedikt Ahrens
Classification of algebraic varieties - Jakub Witaszek
What are hcomp and hfill – Cubical Agda
Vincent Lafforgue 2019 Breakthrough Prize Symposium
Contractibility as uniqueness - Emily Riehl
L Functions and Their Special Values - Dominc Lanphier