平衡巴西音乐和极简主义的边界【巴西后摇/艺术流行/嗡鸣/新迷幻/MPB】Ricardo Dias Gomes - Muito sol(
2023年6月9日发行 支持艺术家作品:https://ricardodiasgomes.bandcamp.com/album/muito-sol Hive Mind Records are excited to bring you Muito Sol, the third solo album from Brazilian auteur Ricardo Dias Gomes. The album is a deep, widescreen exploration in classic Brazilian song that brings all the subtlety and delicacy you'd expect from the pioneers of Musica Popular Brasileira coupled with a thoroughly 21st century sensibility and taste for sonic innovation. A respected innovator on the Rio de Janeiro music scene since the mid 90s, Gomes is perhaps best known for his work on the trio of critically-acclaimed albums Caetano Veloso released in the late 00s: Cê (2006), Zii and Zie (2009) and Abraçaço (2012). Playing bass on these modern milestones in post-Tropicalia, and subsequently touring the world with Veloso, inspired Gomes to record his debut album -11 (2015), followed by the mini-album Aa, which featured Arto Lindsay (2018). Muito Sol was recorded between New York, Lisbon & Rio de Janeiro and features a stellar cast of global players such as Jeremy Gustin (drums), Will Graefe (guitars), Ryan Dugre(guitars), Gil Oliveira (percussion), Alex Toth (trumpet), Tiago Queiroz (sax, flute), Jonas Sá (synths), Julian Desprez (guitars), Pedro Sá (guitars) & Shahzad Ismaily (synths); the album is often deceptive in its simplicity and repeated listens reveal layers of intricate instrumentation and arrangement, making listening something like an exciting exercise in excavation. The album was recorded following Gomes' move from Rio to Lisbon and was inspired by the sense of unease that followed the move from a culture of vibrant spontaneity to a more genteel and 'civilised' country. Unlike Gomes' previous solo outings, Muito Sol includes a number of songs that explicitly celebrate Brazil's musical heritage and culture that are based on the Samba Ostinato. Muito Sol is a sun drenched dream from start to finish and album to be bathed in.
【中国民乐/后摇/雅乐】沼澤Zhaoze - Yesternight Yes Tonight 琴晚 (2015)
【巴西桑巴/桑巴鼓/Afoxé】【冷门盘分享】Os Tincoãs – O Africanto Dos Tincoãs (1975)
【非洲音乐合辑分享】Hakuna Matata |70/80s 非洲放克/迪斯科/非洲打击乐音乐
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暗之圣器与贪欲之壶【非洲加纳迷幻摇滚/根源放克】Edzayawa - Projection One(1973)
【日本艺术/实验摇滚/新迷幻/后摇】【优质音乐鉴赏推荐】GEZAN/Million Wish Collective - あのち(2023)
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何为道路?何为正确?【德国&日本/自由即兴/实验/噪音/迷幻摇滚/工业】FaUSt,灰野敬二 Keiji Haino - 这条路是正确的
【巴西融合/桑巴爵士/MPB】Ivan Lins - Chama Acesa (1975)
迷幻术士 奇异蜿蜒的编曲和意境极其丰盈的演奏 爱尔兰迷幻遗珠【爱尔兰迷幻民谣/布鲁斯摇滚/后摇】Born With The Caul(2013)
【德国柏林学派/太空环境氛围/前卫电子】Ash Ra - New Age Of Earth (1976)
【中国民乐/黑暗氛围/嗡鸣/新古典暗潮/电子/后工业/环境流行】otayonii - Ming Ming (冥冥) (2021)
【美国后极简主义/环境音乐/田野录音/前卫电子/电子民谣】Gia Margaret – Mia Gargaret (2020)
【西岸嘻哈/实验嘻哈/新灵魂/硬核嘻哈/新迷幻/前卫灵魂/合成器放克/意识嘻哈】Tyler, the Creator - CHROMAKOPIA
【浓烈Afrobeat包裹下对不公的呼吁】【英国非洲打击乐/放克爵士】Femi Kuti / Made Kuti – Legacy +(2021)
残酷与美丽的混合体 抑制不住的情感宣泄【美国噪音/实验/数字摇滚/残酷前卫/自由即兴/嗡鸣/后极简】Zs - New Slaves(2010)
【日本实验电子/抽象氛围】細野晴臣 (Haruomi Hosono) - Archives Vol.1: Beyond Good and Evil(2008)
器乐实验|神秘主义的超凡演绎【美国迷幻/嗡鸣民谣/实验器乐】Mike Tamburo – Beating Of The Rewound Son(2005)
【日本涉谷系/巴萨诺瓦/流行爵士/阳光流行】 Lamp -「恋人へ」(2004)
【法国拉丁/合成器/迷幻流行/雷击顿/新迷幻】La Femme - Teatro Lúcido(2022)
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开启一场耳朵的月下漫步 贵州黔东南侗寨民族声音实录 【中国贵州自然采样/地方民乐/嗡鸣】盛洁 - 行歌走月 Strolling in the Moon
【美国迷幻/太空摇滚复兴/重型迷幻】Dead Meadow - Force Form Free (2022)
爱与美之女神的微笑 迎接维纳斯的诞生【美国前卫电子/新世纪音乐/柏林学院/环境氛围】Suzanne Ciani - Seven Waves(1982)
炎炎夏日 来一杯沁入心扉的冰镇果汁【日本放克/摇滚/融合爵士】ジョニー吉長,Jogging Staff - Sky Juice(1979)
【德国迷幻/太空/石人摇滚/后摇】My Sleeping Karma - Atma (2022)
【美国抽象/爵士/意识/实验说唱/前卫爵士/新迷幻/爵士诗歌】Moor Mother - Jazz Codes (2022)
晦涩日记 静谧的氛围 悦耳的长笛【英国当代/迷幻民谣】The Benjamin Delaney Lion – Satori(1969)
【以色列安纳托利亚摇滚/迷幻放克/民谣/世界音乐】Şatellites - Şatellites (2022)
【德国迷幻/太空/石人摇滚/后摇】My Sleeping Karma - Moksha (2015)
【英国前卫/迷幻/奇幻/先锋民谣】Comus - First Utterance(1971)
【乌干达非洲打击乐/世界音乐/自然录音】Nakibembe Embaire Group - Nakibembe Embaire Group(2023)
【埃及实验摇滚/先锋民谣/迷幻摇滚/自由民谣】The Dwarfs Of East Agouza - Bes
【大地的诗歌生命的狂喜】【日本桑巴/当代/放克/融合/冷爵士】中林淳真(Atsumasa Nakabayashi)Rhapsody In Japan(1979)
秩序,虔诚,纪律和尊严【英国雷鬼回响/迷幻摇滚/Nyahbinghi】African Head Charge – Songs Of Praise(1990)