京东 11.11 红包
【TED演讲 竖屏】不合群的美丽 The beauty of being a misfit
【TED演讲 竖屏】健康的时间观念 The psychology of time
【TED演讲 竖屏】请相信,你可以进步 The power of beliving that you can improve
【TED演讲 竖屏】一切只需10分钟的专注 All it is 10 mindful minutes
【TED演讲 竖屏】学会⾛出⾃⼰的舒适区 Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
【TED演讲 竖屏】我把自己活成了艺术品 My life as a work of art
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何才能幸福 What makes happy life?
【TED演讲 竖屏】别让任何人打乱你的生活节奏 Don't let anyone rush you with their timelines
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何维持一段长久的友情 what makes a friendship last?
【TED演讲 竖屏】女孩要勇敢而不必完美 Teach girls bravery,not perfection
【TED演讲 竖屏】别陷入“温水煮青蛙”What frogs in hot water can teach us about thinking again
【TED演讲 竖屏】微笑是你的超能力 The hidden power of smiling
【TED演讲 竖屏】学外语真的可以让你更聪明 The benefits of a bilingual brain
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何在压力下保持冷静 How to stay calm under pressure
【TED演讲 竖屏】怎么走出负面情绪 A simple trick to improve positive thinking
【TED演讲 竖屏】如何摆脱颓靡进入“心流”状态 How to shop languishing and start finding flow
【TED演讲 竖屏】How to gain control of your free time 如何掌控你的空闲时间
【TED演讲 竖屏】运动改变大脑 The brain-changing benefits of exercise
【TED演讲 竖屏】你该认清你的恐惧而不是目标 Why you should define your fear instead of your goals
【TED演讲 竖屏】一个最简单的方式戒掉坏习惯 A simple way to break a bad habit
【TED演讲 竖屏】心流,幸福的秘密 Flow, the secret to happiness
【TED演讲 竖屏】一个在摸索的青少年 A teen just trying to figure it out
【TED演讲 竖屏】我受够了对肥胖的恐惧 Enough with the fear of fat
【TED演讲 竖屏】运气对成功有多重要 What role does luck play in your life?
【TED演讲 竖屏】人们为什么总相信虚假信息 Why people fall for misinformation
【TED演讲 竖屏】别再emo了,教你治愈心碎 How to fix a broken heard
【TED演讲 竖屏】改变自己只需要两年 You don‘t need more than 2 years
【TED演讲 竖屏】我们为什么会做梦? Why do we dream?
【TED演讲 竖屏】不要公开你的个人目标 Keep your goals to yourself
【TED演讲 竖屏】拥抱焦虑 What's normal anxiety -- and what's an anxiety disorder?
【TED演讲 竖屏】为什么有人那么普通却又那么自信 Why incompetent people think they are amazing ?
【TED演讲 竖屏】从肥皂剧里学到的人生道理 4 larger-than-life lessons from soap operas
【TED演讲 竖屏】帮你省钱的三个心理技能 3 psychological tricks to help you save money