京东 11.11 红包
S5U6W21D2 Seat 99
S5U6W21D1 The little cartoonists.
S5U6W21D3 Angela's dream job.(tulip, magician, Astronaut, launch, blast off)
S5U6W22D2 Andy the alligator.( Brave. Adventure, Attack. Afraid. Beast.)
S6U12W46D3 家庭自行车之旅 (collision, spot, worth, along, sunlight, distance, shade)
S6U12W46D2 宜行自行车(lane, cyclist, fee, surface, summarize, paragraph, experiment)
S6U12W47D3 虚拟实境 (virtual reality, gadget, smart, digital device, own, recipe)
斑马AI S6U12W45D2 在海中保持安全 (camouflage, blend in, spine, swiftly, dart, shelter
S6U12W48D4 航天营 ( divine, explore, Mars, Galileo, mathematic, scientifically)
S6U11W44D1 环游世界80天 ( determine, predictable, bet, hire, set off, rescue, curious
S6U12W46D5 斑马线 (carriage, nowadays, cross walking, stripe, crosswalk )
斑马AI S6U11W43D1 小妇人(multiple, delighted, bouquet, prop, act. stage, audience)
斑马AI S6U12W45D3 旅游安全守则(unattended, instruction, fasten, turbulence, belongings
斑马AI S6U11W41D5 什么是梦 (reveal, unconscious, almond, nightmare, movie marathon)
S6U11W44D5 太平洋 (Pacific Ocean, altogether, vast, educational, tiny, shrimp)
打卡RAZ(L) The Water Cycle 蓝思值610 水的循环 (evaporation, condensation, precipitation)
东京vlog | 看电影 |去blue bottle|下雨天吃米线 | 在家料理 | 一下子买了3张NJ专辑开箱|设计师的自由日常
斑马AI S6U12W45D5 万里长城(Wonders, landmark, entire, project, protect, image)
打卡斑马英语S6U06W21D2 有用的古代疗法 (acupuncture, surgery, needle, wound, treat, illness)
S6U12W46D1 柳林风声 (timid, gust, automobile, magnificent, ditch, carriage, tunnel)
打卡S6U09W36D2 春天的迹象 (fragment, sign, cherry blossom, daffodil, season, period)
S6U10W38D4 泳池须知与网球场须知 (depth, slipper, goggles, litter, dive, alcohol, tennis
S6U10W37D2 爱心玩具 donate, achieve, receive, involve, instead, drive, appreciate
S6U12W48D2 惊人的火箭(satellite, fuel, shoot, entertainment, Saturn, substance
斑马AI S6U12W45D1 野生岛(scarce, explain, unwrap, totally, chewing gum, especially
打卡S6U09W33D2 著名的假货(reveal, deceive, publish, dishonest, value, monitor, various)
S6U10W38D2 生存工具 (EDC. survival kit, equipment, medical supplies, particular
S6U11W44D3 地球日(remind, purify, impact, reusable, big dipper, oprea, coming up)
打卡斑马英语S6U06W21D3 艾玛发烧了 (symptom, sore throat, swollen, viral infection, fever)
斑马英语S6U07W28D5 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (environment, waste, instead of, jeans)
S5U01W04D4 Weekly Review
S6U11W44D2 如何得知地球是圆的 (eventual, flat, curved, prove, crew, survivor, solar)
S6U12W46D4 租车 (rental, vehicle, tandem, flyer, perfect, adult, magnificent)
S6U09W34D5 安徒生 居里夫人 ( institute, emperor, Denmark, mermaid, portable, radium)
S5U7W25D2 The traffic jam. ( accident,backseat, highway, buckle up, concert)
斑马AI S6U11W42D5 中国高铁(comfortable, countryside, bullet train, high speed, surely
斑马AI S6U11W43D4 戏目曲目 (fantastic, performance, bouquet, delighted, routine, sew)
FIRST青年影展: 一口气看完20部超短片后,我真的拍不了短片