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斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Can I help you?】
天一教育引进的Smart English是专门为小学生5-12岁设计的有趣而且易学的英语课程。这套7级系列教程富有特色,注重听说的实践,使孩子们以互动交际的方式来学习,不学哑巴英语。
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语My name's Tina.
Let's Smile 6级别英文歌曲——【Let's Ask for Help】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语How many swings are there?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Hello! I'm Betty.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Where are you from?】
0111.Brush Your Teeth
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Here you are.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【谈论天气】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Goodbye!
【Power Up1】超细致的中教讲解 剑桥少儿英语一二级
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【This is my new phone.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Do you want some soda?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语How's the weather?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【What's the date today?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Let's play.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语You're welcome.
风靡全球英文启蒙分级动画片little fox level-1(共10个level)含自然拼读及故事阅读(全部4500集)
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语What color is it?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【What are you doing?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【询问天气如何?】
Let's Smile 4级别英文歌曲——【What Do You Do on Weekends?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Don't worry. I’ll show you. Great!】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【We're playing a game.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【I'm scared.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语How is it?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Today is the 21.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Singing Cats】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Can you skateboard? No, I can't.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语What is that?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语it's yellow.
【B站最全降速版200集】猜猜我有多爱你 guess how much i love you(带字幕)Youtube爆火少儿蒙英语动画绘本
Let's Smile 4级别英文歌曲——【Can They Play the Drums?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语I'm sorry.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语I'm at the picnic.