【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】露营小晴纪念大厅BGM Theme 193-Starry Confession(附谱)
视频原作者已授权转载 视频使用吉他:Taylor 214ce-k 原视频地址:www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkDzPMA9Rwc 吉他谱链接:见置顶评论 原视频简介: Hello everyone, it's been a while. Here's the tabs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Lik... I remember wanting to cover Theme 193 when it came out on JP almost a year ago... How time flies... I don't really have an excuse for my long absence. I was frustrated with my progress on some covers, and then I injured my shoulder and arm a few months ago, but that's not what made me disappear for so long. I've stubbornly worked through injury before but I did use it as an excuse to stop and enjoy life without worrying about guitar, and I'm ashamed to say that I liked it. I like to make guitar covers, but I also know that the entire processes stresses me out immensely since I cannot accept presenting anything I believe is imperfect or flawed. I began to dread making new covers. The reason I could create so many covers in a relatively short amount of time when I started was because I was going through a number of things, and I needed something to distract me from it all. I'm thankfully in a much better place now, but that means a giant source of motivation is now gone. I'm in a strange limbo where I don't want to say that I'm stopping, but I don’t want to potentially make false promises to you all by saying I’ll continue. Seems like any future covers will come out when I want them to come out. No more getting stressed feeling like I have to release something regularly. Thanks for listening. Hope we'll meet again soon. Thanks to Lilac&Halo for accidentally motivating me to return for this cover.
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】水梓纪念大厅BGM Theme 02-Luminous Memory(附谱)
这首神曲绝对贡献了不少游戏的销量 - Harmonious - 终焉之莉莉 Ender Lilies - 悬崖村BGM
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】小梓纪念大厅BGM Theme 36-Koi is love(附谱)
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】Theme 1-Constant Moderato(附谱)
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】国际服主题曲 Target For Love(附谱)
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】吃井の小曲 Theme 11-Connected Sky
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】Theme 159-四轨演奏“白亚的预告函”PV曲
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】Theme 136-Kyrie Eleison(Mika的垂怜经)(附谱)
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】Theme 37-Aira(附谱)
【碧蓝档案/吉他指弹】1.5周年主题曲 Thanks to(附谱)
【碧蓝档案 | TiHA Studio】交响乐专辑2024 Vol. 1 -无尽冒险的摇篮曲! Blue Archive Symphony Vol. 1
【指弹|附谱】動く、動く 少女终末旅行op
『中指小曲』《空の箱》指弹吉他丨哭泣少女乐队 Girls Band Cry 空之箱
【蔚蓝档案】「冒失修女和古书馆的魔法师」复刻活动攻略 樱子、忧、日向强度解析/第十回射击测试
【指弹吉他】Alan Walker 《Faded》 非常适合初学者的版本
【中文字幕】蔚蓝档案 x 催眠者(作者:saklz)
这个调调太舒服了~终焉之莉莉《 Main Theme》吉他版
『极美的旋律』《AVID》指弹吉他丨86不存在的战区 泽野弘之
【吉他教程】Fly Me to the Moon - 爵士和弦旋律与节奏吉他课程
手和脑:一坨 耳朵:爱听
Aruarian Dance完美还原版
三一偶像团「Pico Pico Tokyo」
[指弹吉他]恋ひ恋ふ縁 - 超还原千恋万花OP(附谱)
Omg it's Target for love (BA国际服主题曲)