京东 11.11 红包
34_How to perform VASPsol calculation using VASP code - Implicit solvent model_w
20_How to Calculate HOMO LUMO Energy Gap
14_How to Perform AIMD Calculation in VASP and Analysis with VASPKIT and VMD
49_How to restart an interrupted Gaussian 09W or 16 Calculations_with_subtitles
29_How to Calculate Electronegativity by Gaussian 09 #gaussian
03_How to Perform Electron Density in VASP and Analysis
17_Database of Zeolite Structures - ZSM-5 Zeolite_with_subtitles
30_How to check plagiarism in turnitin
36_How to calculate spin multiplicity for Gaussian 16 Calculation_with_subtitles
04_How to Perform Electron Localization Function ELF in VASP and Analysis
01_How to Setting up a Gaussian 16 or 09 Calculation for Beginners
67_How to perform and plot IR spectrum using Gaussian 09W and Multiwfn - Infrare
53_How to do and plot the ECD spectrum using Gaussian 09W and Multiwfn - alpha-s
39_How to do NMR calculation using Gaussian 09W - GIAO method - CSGT Method_with
12_How to Predict NMR in ChemDraw
40_How to do Transition State calculation using Gaussian 09W or 16 - TS calculat
41_How to calculate UV-VIS TD-DFT spectra using Gaussian 09W - TD-DFT - Absorban
65_How to calculate Gibbs free energy and Profile using Gaussian 09W or G16 Ener
16_How to Model MXene and MXene supported single atom catalysts
10_Arranging Atoms along the Z Axis for Selective Dynamics in VASP Calculations
54_How to perform and plot VCD spectrum using Gaussian 09W & Multiwfn - Vibrati
11_How to Perform BAND Structure Calculation in VASP and Analysis with VASPKIT
31_How to do solvent model calculation in Gaussian 09W - PCM model solvation us
50_How to perform and plot Raman spectrum using Gaussian 09W and Multiwfn - Rama
66_How to do and plot anharmonic Raman spectrum using Gaussian and Multiwfn - An
45_How to plot the real 1H-NMR spectrum using Gaussian16 and Multiwfn - Gaussian
48_How to build periodic carbon nanotubes using Material Studio - Building Carbo
52_How to do and plot anharmonic-IR spectrum using Gaussian 09W and Multiwfn - a
61_How to calculate the oxidation state of transition metal using Gaussian 09W o
26_How to make a colorful spin density plot using VESTA_with_subtitles
15_Energy minimization of molecules using Chem3D for Molecular Docking - Chem3D
13_How to find the vibrational frequency of gas phase molecule
28_How to do Natural Population Analysis using Gaussian 09 #materialscience_wit
43_How to plot the real 13C-NMR spectrum using Multiwfn - Gaussian 13C-NMR Spec
09_How to Create Input file for Gaussian 09 Calculation and Geometry Optimizatio
24_How to calculate Theoretical fluorescence spectra using Gaussian 09W-g16 - TD
32_How to make rutile TiO2-Water interface using Material Studio for Molecular
41_How to download crystal structures from material project websites and CCDC-IC
68_How to generate wavefunction files using Gaussian 09W or G16 - wavefunction -
35_How to calculate EPR parameters from Gaussian 09W - Electron Paramagnetic Res
47_How to download crystal structures from material project websites and CCDC-IC