京东 11.11 红包
5. summarizing stories
1. Looking back at the text for evidence
44. analyzing tone through word choice
8. reading and comparing multiple books
10. What are affixes
18. the elements of a story
2. messages and morals
3. character actions in stories
11. making inferences in literary text
43. different mediums and tone of the text
4. what do pictures bring to a story
Main Idea
16. interpreting text features
《星球大战:幻境 第1季》预告片 - 国语版
26. understanding themes
31. how POV affects readers
7. a story's point of view
37. reading within and across genres
19. using text features to locate information
38. how can a text have two main ideas
30. making objective summaries of literary texts
27. the structures of informational texts
33. analyzing an author's purpose
20. reading more than one source on a topic
《星球大战:幻境 第1季》预告片 - 英语版
39. quantitative information in a text
40. connotation
15. relationship between scientific ideas in a text
35. developing themes
9. Using context clues to figure out new words
45 part-to-whole relationships in text structure
22. summarizing nonfiction
text features
Writing a Thesis
41. creating objective summaries
28. Latin and Greek roots and affixes
Text Structure
Who, What, When, Where, Why
text features - informational text features