宝可梦 D/P对战三圣菇Remix by PokeRemixStudio
https://youtu.be/067mCKmseQA 欢迎给UP点一波关注,你的支持是我搬运的动力! 点击主页观看更多的传说之下/Pokemon Remix! PokeRemixStudio大大的D/P对战三圣菇Remix。 欢迎聚聚们到PokeRemixStudio的主页订阅一波:https://www.youtube.com/user/PokeRemixStudio
对战彩虹火箭队BGM Remix by GlitchxCity
Zinnia battle Remix(宝可梦对战彼岸Remix)by Kalbur
决 战 !大 尾 立
宝可梦X/Y 对战卡露乃 Remix by Kamex
Red/Blue Battle Theme【宝可梦日月对战树老大Remix】by Dasgust
宝可梦BW 对战雷希拉姆/捷克罗姆Remix by Falkkone
宝可梦DPPT 对战竹兰Remix by Dr. Pez
Primal Dialga Remix(时/暗/空探对战帝牙卢卡Remix)by Kalbur
BW2 Kyurem Battle Remix(宝可梦BW2对战焰白/暗黑酋雷姆Remix)by GaragebandPoke
宝可梦BW 雷文市Remix by Pokestir
宝可梦B/W对战魁奇思Remix by Bliitzit
Kanto Gym Leader Battle(对战成都馆主BGM Remix)by PokeRemixStudio
宝可梦起源-对战超梦Remix by FalKKonE
宝可梦SwSh 对战玛俐Remix by Kamex
Vs Gym Leader&Elite Four Remix(宝可梦Let's go 对战道馆馆主/四天王Remix)by VanilluxePavilion
'Prelude to the Champion'对战竹兰前奏Remix【Part1/2】 by insaneintherainmusic
Battle! Giratina【宝可梦对战骑拉帝纳Remix】by FalKKone
Vs Ultra Necrozma Remix(宝可梦对战究极奈克洛兹玛Remix)by VanilluxePavilion
宝可梦剑盾-对战训练师BGM预测(非官方)by Bliitzit
Trainer Battle Remix(宝可梦对战神奥训练师Remix)by VanilluxePavilion
All Rival Battle Themes(宝可梦全劲敌对战BGM GBA风格)by FL.Remix
宝可梦 D/P切锋市爵士乐Remix by insaneintherainmusic
宝可梦初代 对战道馆馆主Remix by FalkKone
Primal Dialga Remix(宝可梦时/暗/空探决战帝牙卢卡Remix by GlitchCity)
宝可梦 - Sw/Sh对战道馆馆主Remix by GlitchxCity
宝可梦S/M 对战对战树老大BGM Remix By RichaadEB
宝可梦探险队- 时限/天空之塔混搭Remix by Xontron
Vs. Dark Matter Phase 2 Remix(超不可思议的迷宫 Vs黑暗物质第二阶段Remix by Kamex)
宝可梦彼岸主题曲Remix(流星哀歌)by Xontron
宝可梦SWSH 对战塔(Toby fox) Remix by RichaadEB
宝可梦D/P 白岱森林爵士乐Remix by insaneintherainmusic
宝可梦 对战以太基金会BGM Remix by RetroSpecter
宝可梦RGBY 真新镇Remix by DSC
【回忆】空之探险队经典BGM钢琴改编合集 by threeline3
宝可梦SS 对战道馆馆主Remix by Kamex
宝可梦DPPT 209号道路Remix by Pokestir
宝可梦DPPT 对战竹兰前奏Remix by cat333pokemon
宝可梦SM 对战格拉吉欧Remix by Vetrom
宝可梦 BW Ending~To Each Future Remix
Team Galactic Battle Remix(宝可梦 战斗!银河队Remix by GlitchCity)