京东 11.11 红包
【Phigros/Muse Dash联动大魔王】Cthugha AT Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏(锁屏可打)
【Phigros/A0改谱】Aleph-0 IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/茶鸣拾贰律联动#2】青芽 IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/新谱速递】风屿 AT Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】El Condor Pasa IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】Diamond Eyes IN Lv.13 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/命运扭曲】Distorted Fate IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】Break Over AT Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】On And On!! IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/小心立秋】ぱぴぷぴぷぴぱ IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏
【Phigros/Camellia外传#2】CIWSDASE(全名见简介) IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】Break Over IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros】ジングルベル(Jingle Bell) IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】Trojan IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】Upshift IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/点锁天堂】Protoflicker IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/鞭尸】Apocalypse IN Lv.13 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】Bitterblossom IN Lv.13 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/滚筒洗衣机】Lyrith -迷宮リリス- IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏(可锁屏练习)
【Phigros/高速爆发耐力战】Ad astra per aspera IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】Bougainvillea IN Lv.13 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/噩梦终结】CROSS † SOUL IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲慢递】Dreamland IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/大脑进化】Shadow AT LV.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏(锁屏可打)
【Phigros/镜像初体验】Palescreen IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/新曲速递】Random IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/华丽的谱面表演】Re_Nascence IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/表演与谱面都很惊艳的11】Demiurge IN Lv.11 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/协调+微底力地狱】Horizon Blue IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】Inverted World IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/2.0劲爆拍砖】Pixel Rebelz IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏 [-TR_PSO-]
【Phigros/鞭尸新曲】Future Mind IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/新曲速递】Realms IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/《Another Me》同款双押(升级版)】Ark IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/正攻不能...】inferior IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/IN6~14制霸】Break Through The Barrier IN14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/搓碟神曲】INFiNiTE ENERZY -Overdoze- IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分录屏
【Phigros/鞭尸】Brave Notes IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元
【Phigros/读谱考验】Cthugha IN Lv.15 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT!!!] 满分录屏
【Phigros/整活&纪念向】Introduction EZ Lv.2 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] (纪念2019-2021屁股肉发展史)
【Phigros/抽水马桶初级阶段】You are the Miserable IN Lv.14 1000000pts[ALL PERFECT] 满分手元