京东 11.11 红包
6.S3额外活动-Sun Hung Kai--速通教程
空投埋伏大全文档链接: https://granite-stop-571.notion.site/137club-coffee-adc750d78a5748e9a4592462ee698984 欢迎大家加入我所在的dis社区:137CLUB https://discord.gg/25H2knC44J 也可以加我个人vx:cafe52406 欢迎更多的小伙伴一起参与,交流与学习
4.S3额外活动-Paris land-速通教程
14.S3额外活动-Sports Land Carnabal-速通教程
15.S3额外活动-Welcome to AXADIA-速通教程
11.S3额外活动-The Feast-速通教程
3.S3额外活动-M从Dull Land-速通教程(截止日期~3/7)
12.S3额外活动-PCCW HKT-速通教程
8.S3额外活动-Nest Station:Metaverse--速通教程
7.S3额外活动-nspace WMCC--速通教程
9.S3额外活动-litter fiter-速通教程
10.S3额外活动-Chord Hero Music Gallery-速通教程
18.The Sandbox S3 - 9/7-DAY14.Aldrak Garrison 速通教程
10.The Sandbox S3 - 8/31-DAY7.Missing Part Social Hub 速通教程
The Sandbox S3 社交活动第2周,赢取Alpha Pass参与教程
7.The Sandbox S3 - 8/28-DAY4.The Walking Dead: A Day in Alexandria 速通教程
15.The Sandbox S3 - 9/5-DAY12.The Quests of Triloga:Sky Ruin Arena 速通教程(结尾有抽奖)
The Sandbox S2-额外活动(抽奖200个sand) 速通教程以及填表说明(2022/4/30)
23.The Sandbox S3 - 9/10-DAY17.World of Women Tower 速通教程
4.The Sandbox S3 - 8:25-DAY1.WMG land 速通教程
11.The Sandbox S3 - 9/1-DAY8.Hanjin Music Palooza 速通教程
16.The Sandbox-瓜分100Ksand-McNuggets速通教程(7/20~8/28)
13.The Sandbox S3 - 9/3-DAY10.The Green Inferno 速通教程(开头有lululand彩蛋!!!)
14.The Sandbox S3 - 9/4-DAY1.Steve Aoki’s Playhouse 速通教程(开头有抽奖录屏!)
26.The Sandbox S3 - 9/14-DAY20.SevenWonders Statue of Zeus 速通教程
21.The Sandbox S3 - 9/9-DAY16.Atari: Crystal Castles 速通教程
8.The Sandbox S3 - 8/29-DAY5.A Love is forver 速通教程
81.Rugged Venue 1: ser.(2022.10.24 DAY61 速通教程)
85.Sports Land(2022.10.30 DAY67 速通教程)
3.The Sandbox S3 - 8:25-DAY1.Sueco`s Split Personalities 速通教程
9.The Sandbox S3 - 8:29-DAY6.Hong Kong`s star FerryPier 速通教程
24.The Sandbox S3 - 9/11-DAY18.Border Town of Tang Dynast 速通教程(结尾有抽奖)
59.The Big Brawl(2022.10.5 DAY42 速通教程)
82.Fortress of Bloodsouls(2022.10.25 DAY62 速通教程)
第三周(9/7~):The Sandbox S3 社交活动第3周 Rabbids,Jaguar Friends(9/7~9/13),抽奖赢取Alpha Pass
28.The Sandbox S3 - 9/14-DAY21.Central Town 速通教程
58.Lucky Kat Land(2022.10.4 DAY41 速通教程)
20.The Sandbox S3 - 9/8-DAY15.Ledger's School of Block 速通教程(结尾有抽奖)
73.Lords Of DogeTown(2022.10.17 DAY54 速通教程)