Take your time | 冥想游戏 2023-02-06 01-59-01
作者的留言: I was born winter. Snow on the seaside is not very common here. So am l. Little moon dancing in front of you. You look at her. She's awesome. You fall for her. Still, you just keep looking. Until... .. she just pops away. I look at the train stopping by. And I always hope to see a certain someone getting off. It almost never happens. But when it does, I melt. A gap tells you many things. It might not just be that you're missing something. But rather it tells you that you were taking something for granted and you can know how important it was now that you've lost it. Growing up. Growing pains. Space to walk. Take your time. Stop when needed. 好久不见! 最近忙坏了,其实也不是很忙( 但是习惯被打破就好难拾起来了 总之再试试看吧,毕竟有那么多朋友都在好好努力去做点什么呢 作者说的 Take your time. Stop when needed. 我可太喜欢了 慢下来 不用做什么 Take your time 狐狸我好喜欢! 月球的存在我不是很明白,看起来蛮有弹性的(不是 唉 元宵节快乐! 车站和人我第一次玩的时候没有见到 看起来是每个路灯都会触发一段动画 整个环境的氛围好赞!
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