京东 11.11 红包
【raddles】1:04.548 1.12 ssg Fwr (one shot)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7y8lLUqHOM 仅供学习 Hey, this is my first World Record in a while! I hope you enjoyed! I stream on Twitch when doing these runs so be sure to follow to see me live! Seed: 4973628407607760032 Version 1.12.2 Keep up with me on Twitter! 🔔 Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/radraddles Watch me Live on Twitch! 🔴 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/raddles Join the community on Discord! 💜 Discord - https://discord.gg/NPTah2C In this run you see a new strategy to kill the Enderdragon, this is called a oneshot. It's a pretty recent discovery that if the dragon hits you, it will increase your player velocity to a point that if you shoot an arrow it can instant kill the dragon. This is possible because an arrow shot from a bow does more damage depending on it's velocity! We kill a skeleton in order to get a Bow and Arrow drop, and then enter the end for the kill. All of this is pretty rare and took around 40 hours of grinding so far! I always love learning about new tech and trying out new seeds, I hope you can join me along the way! Song Link: • FIFTY FIFTY - Cupid (Twin Version) (S... 机翻:在本次游戏中,您会看到一种杀死末影龙的新策略,这称为one shot。 这是最近的一个发现,如果龙击中你,它会增加你的玩家速度,如果你射箭,它可以立即杀死龙。 这是可能的,因为从弓射出的箭会造成更大的伤害,具体取决于它的速度! 我们杀死一个骷髅以获得弓箭掉落,然后进入结局进行击杀。 所有这些都是相当罕见的,到目前为止需要大约 40 个小时的打磨! 我总是喜欢学习新技术和尝试新种子,我希望你能和我一起一路走来!
【MeisterMaki/无授权】1.12 AA RSG WR 4h23min p1
【MeisterMaki/无授权】第二部分 1.12 全进度固定种子新世界纪录 AA SSG 4h17min
【Ontricus】1.15 RSG Classic 16:00 WR
【Renaud】9:16隔墙有眼 (13:50结束游戏)
生化4 世界纪录 1小时53分02秒 专家难度无邪道速通 无DA0
❬めぶきぃな❭ 9:53
【CroProYT/无授权】1.15鞘翅RSG 10:05 WR
【DinonuggieBoi/未授权】1.16+RSG 9:13 隔墙有眼 要塞太大sub11失败
【ultraXDD】1.12 SSG FWR 4:36
【Ontricus/无授权】1.15 RSG 16min06s 随机种子速通 1.9-1.15 WHEN WR ??????????
【MeisterMaki】1.12 AA RSG 世界第二 4h39min (第一部分)
【Relay 2】A Throwaway Joke vs Friendless || !relay !commentators !players
【SawyerX52/无授权】11:53 (没声音 不通过src验证)
【Kunaxe】11:58 (要塞传送门房间海洋露出)
【thunder_thief】1.16+RSG 11min50s (9:33进入末地)
[7rowl archive]8min55s进入末地 龙不落
【MiGor presents】白俄罗斯 国家记录 11:19
【drip】10:53 (意大利国家记录)
【s1Iverr】5:52盲传 (11:55结束游戏)
[Markieboy257/无]棒子7/7 Sub8隔墙有眼 但传送室房间捉迷藏 13:52结束游戏
【Zayahh】1.15 SSG 2min48s (Fletcher Seed)固定种子速通1.9-1.15
【 orachi】9:21
【Shokolit】1.15 RSG 16:40 [TOP22]
【Relay 2】Tri-County Titanium Mothmen vs forcingCD || !relay !commentators
【Poisonous Skely 】pre1.9 SSG 3:01 (TOP3)
[Andrew Crow]11:16 5:45fort 700格盲传
「Lathil」1.16 RSG 10:17
【MeisterMaki/无授权】1.13 RSG AA 6h16min WR P1
【Henry P】塔 pre1.9RSG 19min06s 随机种子速通
[infume]20:47 Pre1.9 RSG
【teddiursa311】塔 1.7RSG 18:11 PRE1.9随机种子速通
[semperzz]10:12 9个月后的PB 零循环结束游戏
【thecamo6/无授权】11:06 (8:19进入末地已准备好0循环但是地形太差不能0循环)