京东 11.11 红包
1.10 拥抱你的与众不同
1.10 拥抱你的与众不同
1.24 Combine your fascinations
4.18 Startle the snakes
2.2 What the mentor needs 帮助是互相的
1.23 Create a ladder of descending goals
4.16 Do not commit to anyone
1.2 童年时的迷恋
4.19 Tailor your flattery
4.22 Sow the seeds of doubt
9.22 切勿被对手迷乱心智
4.4 Know when to take and give credit
9.21 让对方滔滔不绝的方法
11.9 如何控制自己跳脱的思维
4.13 Better to be attacked than ignored
10.22 琐事在你成功路上的破坏力
5.6 Through the false front
3.24 The mind as a muscle
3.12 如何在失败中成长?Perfect yourself
2.21 Create the need for you 让自己成为高科技产品
10.24 远离无所不知的“自我”
4.20 Be royal in your own fashion
1.1 Discover Your Calling
1.3 解放之鼓,原始的力量
1.27 The Real Secret 秘密
5.5 Be careful whom you affend
12.3 直面死亡改变生活
2.19 Choose Time 腾挪时间
3.7 Keep the mind moving保持思维活跃
10.3 如何找到你的智慧女神雅典娜
4.5 Remake yourself into a character of power
3.11 Intensity of focus 最强专注力
5.27 Detect their true motives
1.9 榜样的力量
3.13 Creative endurance坚持长期做的事需要想象力的加持
5.28 The effective truth
1.5 KNOW what you are drawn to
1.26 你喜欢和擅长的事情,从小就决定了,不要反自己的天性
5.11 The Pattern
3.4 The creative process让流程充满创造力
9.15 你的预判是你最大的敌人
11.26 证实偏见也叫做确认偏差