京东 11.11 红包
【Lindsey Hamilton】在超市里随意触发,敲击抓挠音 public tapping and scratching
【MZ】户外触发音,下雨天在室外快速敲击抓挠fast tapping outside in the rain
【Lau Lau】在车里敲击,户外触发音,空气临摹 air tracing & tapping around my car & outdoors
【villa】无人声快速敲击抓挠一些物品,莱茵石指甲环 fast tapping and scratching,rhinestone nail rings
【Cozy Lotus】无人声敲击抓挠鞋子,用小麦克风 shoe tapping and scratching with mini mic no talking
【Eevy】房间里的空气临摹,嘟嘟的口腔音,敲击抓挠 air tracing
【Juliana Banana】十分钟一百个触发音
【Lindsey Hamilton】敲敲冰块以及一些户外触发音 ice cold tingles
【Tingly Tapping】快速敲击抓挠我朋友的车 tapping scratching around my friend’s car
【Sassy Sounds】用6种不同的木勺子吃你的脸,口腔音
【into the asmr ether】在卧室里到处敲敲 tapping scratching tracing around the bedroom
【Lindsey Hamilton】万圣节装扮
【Lindsey Hamilton】在marshalls里敲击抓挠 marshalls tapping and scratching
【love sleep】敲击手机镜头
【Cozy Lotus】蓝绿色物品触发音(无人声) teal color triggers
【spring】春妹快速敲击手机镜头,无人声 fast & aggressive lofi camera tapping and scratching
【Daria】无人声敲击抓挠iphone11镜头 tapping & scratching camera
【Lau Lau】户外触发音+空气临摹 outdoor scratchy tapping air tracing
【Lindsey Hamilton】下暴雨过后睡眠触发音 sleepy tingles after thunderstorm
【Hailey】在房间里到处敲敲tour around the roo,scratching
【KitLorelle】敲击书本,无人声 tapping on vintage books
【Cozy Lotus】冰块与湿水的混凝土地板的触发音/敲击抓挠 tapping and scratching on wet concrete and ice
【Lindsey Hamilton】敲敲小汽车
【Pieviscre】iPhone tapping/scratching(with and without phone case】
【Sara Rios】下雨天的室外敲击抓挠 rainy outdoors- Rock,Tree,scratching
【with diana】lofi tapping tour(build up tapping and scratching)
【Cozy Lotus】敲击抓挠湿水的水泥地面(无人声)wet concrete tapping and scratching no talking
【Cozy Lotus】多种触发音重叠,无人声 layered sounds no talking
【Han】无人声快速敲击镜头 Fast camera tapping and lens tapping looped (no talking)
【Lindsey Hamilton】瞌睡的触发音让你睡着 sleepy triggers to fall asleep
【KLOUD】在房间里到处敲敲 tapping around my room
【villa】抓挠专场无人声,免疫请进 scratching only no talking
【Caring Whispers】冰川主题触发音 直播回放 后半段笑场声音有点大
【MatthewThings】汉堡王吃播 burger king mukbang
【Nismarie】冰面敲击音+镜头敲击 ice tapping
【earthly】triggers assortment