【昆特牌】Trynet 五基佬剧情赤诚帝国 (20201007)【字幕+卡组】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYKb3Yjvskk&t=220s 我想试试这次加强的帝国卡,设计师给的定位应该是玩间谍。帕尔梅林能生成更多的潜伏单位,配合口渴的夫人与煽动的贵族都很好,但即便如此还是很弱。 即使有时候奥克斯不上手,帝国三基的表现也要更好一些,如果完全发挥,他们仨就很扎实。雷索8p11点,瑟瑞特7p9点,奥克斯7p5点带锁非常厉害。最大的缺点就是另外两张没打出时一般不舍得打奥克斯,这会导致对面的引擎多产生几回合的点数。 总体而言,这套牌更多的是帝国爱好者的新尝试,而不是我想拯救帝国,我成功地赢了几场比赛,最后我把卡组删了,也没生成链接,想看的话在视频最后有卡组和一些卡位调整。 卡组 :他没贴,在视频最后有 I wanted to try out all the new NG buffs, and the natural place for them seemed to be in some deck playing spies. Palmerin putting more spying on units makes both Thirsty Dame and Seditious Aristocrats better, but even in this deck they felt pretty weak. The witcher trio felt a bit better, even when missing Auckes the cards are somewhat reasonable, and with the full combo they're pretty solid. Letho plays as an 11 for 8, and Serrit a 9 for 7. Auckes being a 5 for 7 lock is pretty horrible, but if you instead look at the numbers as Serrit being a 7 for 7, and Auckes being a 7 for 7 lock it looks a bit more reasonable. The biggest downside is not wanting to play the Auckes until the other witchers are out of your hand, potentially losing some value to an engine as you try to get the actual points out of your hand before playing your lock. Overall, this deck was more of an experiment with the new NG buffs than something I had any hope of making a cohesive deck out of, but it managed to win a couple games. I ended up deleting the deck without making a link, but you can see the decklist, as well as some of the changes made to try to make it into a real deck at the end of the video. 00:00:00 Hunger 00:09:59 Hunger 00:20:11 Hunger 00:28:19 Cache 00:37:14 Ursine Lippy 00:45:55 Symbiosis 00:56:56 Yeah, there was a lot of hunger...
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