京东 11.11 红包
[Esoterickk][命运2]Solo 1340大师遗失之地-迁徙花园2A(使用死亡使徒)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuFu0TZg4HQ Esoterickk 玩出花 I wasn't sure if there would be too much interest in these anymore, as last season they weren't all that interesting, and especially considering how flooded these lost sectors are for videos. But I've had a few requests, and there's triumphs associated with some of these, so I figured I'd upload this one to test the waters. This time I used the Deathbringer to test it out - it's pretty decent, but wildly inconsistent at times. Overall a pretty straight forward lost sector though. How to unlock the Legend Lost Sector or Master Lost Sector / how to make them appear: They rotate each day, one legend and one master. Whatever one was legend one day will turn to master the following day. You have to have cleared them on the normal version first before they appear, and that has to be on the character you're playing. These can all be done using the same strategies from nearly any power below. Obviously, the higher you are the better you'll do. But these are all fairly safe approaches to get them done.
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