京东 11.11 红包
[Yakka Dee] Let's Talk about Plants with Dee
[Yakka Dee] Let's Talk about Breakfast!
[Yakka Dee] Baking with Dee! 🧁
[Yakka Dee] Savoury Food with Dee!
[Yakka Dee] Weather with Dee! ☔️☀️
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Bread!
[Yakka Dee] Growing Food with Dee!
[Yakka Dee] Let's Talk about Lunch 🍽 !
[Yakka Dee] Let's Talk About Vegetables!
[Yakka Dee]Autumn with Dee 🍃
[Yakka Dee] Explore Nature with Yakka Dee
✨超级宝贝,I Love My Skin,快来和Yakka Dee一起唱歌🎤
[Yakka Dee] Things You Find in the Garden
All About Blue💙 _ Let's Talk About Colours of the Rainbow!
All About Green!💚 _ Let's Talk About Colours of the Rainbow
[Yakka Dee]Let's Talk About a Day In The Park
All About Yellow 💛 _ Let's Talk About Colours of the Rainbo
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Carrot
Dee's Popular Moments:The Best of Dee的流行时刻!
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Cheese
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Lemon!
哄睡神器来啦!Yakka Dee的睡前歌曲🎶
Can You Say Ball
ABC Songs
Lets Talk about Things in the Garden
Can you say car?
🌈 走进橙色的世界,你准备好了吗? 🧡 一起品味色彩的魅力!
✨全方位自我介绍!身体小知识 _ Yakka Dee!💖
Can you say bus
[Yakka Dee] Let's Talk about Bugs!
[Yakka Dee] Can You Say Peas💚
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Raspberry
Baby Sharks in the Water _ Ten Little Sharks _ Number Song 幼少儿英语启蒙儿歌动画
💪Learn These E to G Words!_ Yakka Dee!
[Yakka Dee] Can You Say Beans🍽
宝宝早教儿歌《巧虎唱唱跳跳经典名曲》 16分钟精品互动儿歌 亲子时间
Lets Talk about Travel
🌟I Love my Hair🌟 _ 🎵Yakka Dee Songs _ 🎶 Yakka Dee!
[Yakka Dee] Can you say Juice!