【Wild Manes自制中字】#06 马卡龙危机 Macaron Mare
https://youtu.be/WrkIAXmL0wU 来自官方频道 【官方简介翻译】 就是今天!切莉正咬紧牙关,准备打破史上最大马卡龙的记录,赢得Macaron Mare称号!但与此同时,日常订单开始在她的马车上堆积成山。可可担心她“消化不了”如此多的马卡龙,打算伸出援蹄。但切莉还是坚决认为自己不需要帮助,直到她烤出了一个巨大异形马卡龙,甚至自己蠕动起来...啪!可可发觉这次比赛对她的朋友到底多么重要,于是召集其他伙伴(佩拉和糖糖),一起帮助切莉制服了这堆马卡龙失败品并帮她重回正轨。 (up主注:简介和实际剧情似乎有些出入) 【原文】 Today’s the day! Cherie is chomping at the bit to set a record baking the world’s biggest macaron and win the title of Macaron Mare! With her regular orders piling up (at her horse cart), Cocoa worries Cherie has bitten off more macaron than she can chew! But Cherie is determined until she totes out a giant (oozy) macaron with a mind of its own! SPLAT! Realising how important this contest is to her friend, Cocoa rallies some other horses (Perla and Candi), and together, they manage to tame Cherie’s macaron flop and help her get back on track.
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