京东 11.11 红包
01b. Pagasus Ryu Sei Ken. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
转自Juan Francisco Perez Perez频道 转自Juan Francisco Perez Perez频道 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8PN11XeaeGpqPFm9i6yIjk00-By5_gce 表演时间:03.SEP.2022 ARENA CDMX 7:00 PM 音乐会的正面视角,比之前传的侧面远视角近多了哦。
地球仪【墨西哥现场版】 Encore. Chikyuugi. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
09. Saint of Hope. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
10. Sad Brothers. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
03. Galaxian Wars. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
01a. Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken. Pegasus Fantasy A Symphonic Experience
08b. Aria of the Three. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
32. Soldier Dream Mauren Mendo. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -.mp4
36. Towards Valhalla Temple. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
20. Heated Saints. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
31. Polaris Hilda. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
39. Blue Dream Mauren Mendo. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
24. Deucalion’s Big Flood. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
16. Launch Ryu Sei Ken. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
13. Remember Sadness. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
37. For the Lovely Earth. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -.mp4
34. Legendary God Warriors. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
27. Save the Goddess. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
15. Glide! Pegasus. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
17. Cosmo of Friendship. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
38. Soldier Dream (Instrumental). Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
12. Ikki’s Theme. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
29. Gold Cloth, Descent. Pegasus Fantasy - A Symphonic Experience -
圣斗士星矢音乐会2022法国现场版-上 Saint Seiya Symphonic Adventure-Part 1 -Sanctuary Arc-
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圣斗士星矢原声音乐1小时合集1-1 Hour of Saint Seiya Sad OST -slowed - reverb-
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【圣斗士星矢极乐净土篇】第03话 黄金的援军 (2)
【箜篌】纱织的决意 圣斗士星矢经典乐曲
第6集 古代战士 (1)
第1集 新的圣战又将开始 (1)
[圣斗士ss][撒加]高颜剪辑 Galaxian Exploslon
第13集 决战之朝 (1)