Takuro Mochizuki - Some Applications of Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
We shall discuss ongoing investigations about some applications of non-abelian Hodge theory to the study of meromorphic flat bundles and more general holonomic D-modules, inspired by Kontsevich. The plan is as follows. First, we discuss a generalization of Barannikov-Kontsevich theorem about twisted de Rham cohomology. Then, after reviewing irregular Hodge filtration which was motivated by the study of Kontsevich complexes, we explain its application to an evidence for a conjecture of Kontsevich about cohomologically rigid holonomic D-modules. We would also like to discuss a boundedness of families of some families of meromorphic flat bundles.
Mingjia Zhang: Intersection cohomology of Shimura varieties
Ben Heuer: Moduli spaces in p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory.
p-adic Non-Abelian Hodge Theory via Moduli Stacks - Ben Heuer
Claude Sabbah - Vanishing Theorems for the Irregular Hodge Filtration
Shachar Carmeli: The K-theory of non-split tori
Stacks in p-adic Hodge Theory of Rigid Spaces - Arthur-Cesar Le Bras
p-adic Hodge Theory for Analytic Varieties - Sally Gilles(IAS)
Tony Pantev - Birational and Singularity Invariants from nc Hodge Theory
Kenji Fukaya - $A$ Infinity Functor in Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory
Davide Gaiotto - Holomorphic-Topological Twists and their Applications
Peter Scholze - Analytic Prismatization
Atiyah Duality and Applications - Toni Mikael Annala
Jacob Lurie: Rationalized Syntomic Cohomology
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Geometric Sen Theory
Marc Levine: Bott residue theorems in quadratic intersection theory,applications
proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture 2(Gaitsgory)
Marc Hoyois (Regensburg): Non-A^1-invariant motivic spectra
Kathryn Hess (Lausanne): Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectra
K-theory in p-Adic Geometry - Greg Andreychev(IAS)
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part III
Minhyong Kim | Arithmetic topology and field theory 1
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part II
Yves André - Motives and representation theory: principles and case studies
Motivic Cohomology of Mixed Characteristic Schemes - Tess Bouis
Alexaner Efimov: Localizing invariants of large categories: general theory.
Some Failures of Vanishing Theorems - Burt Totaro
On the K-theory of Z/p^n - Achim Krause
Vadim Vologodsky: Sheared prismatization
David Loeffler - Iwasawa theory for Asai representations and the adjoint of a mo
Brian Williams | Algebraic quantum field theory 2
Bogdan Zavyalov: The trace morphism and Poincare Duality in p-adic na geometry
Stacks and Log Prismatic Cohomology - Martin Olsson
A Slice of TQFT for Number Theorists 1
Local and global conjectures on automorphic periods(Sug Woo Shin)
Lucas Mann: A p-adic six functor formalism in rigid analytic geometry, I
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: geometric sen theory II
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part I
Brian Williams | Algebraic quantum field theory
Maria Yakerson, Universality of algebraic K-theory
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part IV