运算放大器的历史与应用简述 | A bit of Op-Amp History and Applications
YouTube Edit: Holy smokes, this is actually getting views!?!? As promised, here's the slide deck, pretty sure all of the links are in there and live: https://github.com/thorenscientific/scratchpad/raw/refs/heads/main/OpAmp_Bit_of_History_and_Applications.pptx Background information for a hands-on workshop with DigiKey and Red Pitaya. I'm presenting this remotely, so this unedited, slightly rough around the edges practice run can be used "in case of technical difficulties". -------- 编辑:天哪,竟然真的有人看这个!? 如承诺的那样,这里是幻灯片文档,里面应该包含了所有的链接,都是有效的: https://github.com/thorenscientific/scratchpad/raw/refs/heads/main/OpAmp_Bit_of_History_and_Applications.pptx 这是与DigiKey和Red Pitaya合作的实操研讨会的背景信息。我将远程进行此演示,因此这次未编辑且略显粗糙的练习可以在“出现技术问题时”使用。 --------- https://youtube.com/watch?v=dCDafFUYbmc | 20241019
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