https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ju8Zyyi52k 作品类型: 原曲翻唱 原唱: 巡音ルカ 本家:sm13185918 授权相关:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLLufnt ------------------------------------------------------------ *SCREAMO ALERT* Hey guys, I'm back with another cover! I recently posted up a duet if you happened to miss it. Anyways, I've been inspired by 周平 (Shoohey) lately, he sings rock so awesomely. You can check out his YT here: http://www.youtube.com/user/nejimagu The harmonies were really fun to do~ I apologize for my amateur screams, it's literally the first time I've ever done it, I wasn't even sure if I was capable of it Σ(゜ロ゜;) Contact Me: ► https://soundcloud.com/froggiesinger ► https://twitter.com/FroggieSinger ► http://ask.fm/froggiesinger ► froggieutaite@gmail.com Music/Lyrics by Yuyoyuppe Vocals & Mixing by Froggie
【病娇模拟MMD】病娇酱,Fun Girl,和学生会长的 Zombie Song【Monster of Truth】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Rivers in the Desert【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Bowsette Girl【填词翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】千本樱 -orchestral ver.-【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】恶之娘 -jazz ver.-【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie x Zoozbuh】背德之花【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Himechii x Froggie】爱恋=Temptation【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】About me【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Brave Shine【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】转生 升天抄【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Wish My Life Away【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】活动小丑 -Giga remix-【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Your Reality -八音盒 ver.-【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Kyo x Froggie】BELOVED×SURVIVAL【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】CiRCuS MoNSTeR【翻唱】【授权转载】
【病娇模拟MMD】武术社成员们的 Here It Goes Again【Ossana Najimi】【授权转载】
【病娇模拟MMD】病娇酱和 Osana 的 Call Me Maybe【Monster of Truth】【授权转载】
【病娇模拟MMD】戏剧社社长 Kizana Sunobu 的 It's Over, Isn't It【Ossana Najimi】【授权转载】
【Froggie x Fly】喜欢讨厌【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【ham • Emmy • Cloudy】神的随波逐流【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【アンバ x Nyamai】背德之花【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Battle Against a True Hero【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Donut Hole【英文翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】心拍数 ♯0822 -piano ver.-【翻唱】【授权转载】
【Froggie】Miku 【填词翻唱】【授权转载】