[Geometry Dash] Ice Climbers by Smarted (extreme demon plat.)
solo victor。。想当初这关是9moon的时候,我只能勉强开练习打完第一关。现在练了几遍,然后十几分钟搞定前两关,结果第三关卡了两个小时。。。这逼第三关是真的有毒,最后那个钻缝跳那里死了差不多10次,更在钻缝成功后跳传送带死了一次,我当时都不想玩了。后来我去歇了一下,又十几分钟轻松过了,真是搞不懂
[Geometry Dash] (top3) The Abyss by zYuko (extreme demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] After Image by ColinT (insane demon) (3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] NORMAL MAN by V3KTXR (insane demon plat.)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Sacred Battle (insane demon) (1 coin)神级同步关
[Geometry Dash] Dashing Adventure by limesplatus (insane demon plat.)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Beatpulse by NDagger (extreme demon plat.)(1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] halfnhalf by bronabon (insane 9⭐)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] CITYFADE by MaxxoRMeN (insane demon?) (2.9 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Sharpshooter by NDagger (insane 8🌙 plat.)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Syncing by LahariusIX (easy demon) (3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Kyrie by VoHanxZ (hard demon) (1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] CMD by arom4k (insane demon)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Reedy by DEcobii (insane demon)
[Geometry Dash] Les Lueurs by Dominus (hard demon)
[Geometry Dash] Terminal Heaven by G4lvatron (extreme demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Real Legends by GDTicLos (medium demon)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Lobotomy Adventure by VuroPearl (medium demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Whats The Point by Crerro (extreme demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Trippy by BitZel (easy demon)
[Geometry Dash] HOOKIN UP WITH CUSTI by Custi (extreme demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Menacing Miasma by Polarbeahr (easy demon)(2 coins)
[Geometry Dash] MultiTask by Mr0Moustache (insane 8🌙 plat.)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] xKey by Crystal CM&Sangchun (hard demon)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Do His Favor by TitanTomahawk (insane demon plat.)(1 coin)
[Geometry Dash]Astralith (demon)(first classic mythic level)
[Geometry Dash] Handshake by Yuuchouze (insane demon) (3 coins)
METAL HOLLOWS by procurador&GDplanit (insane demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Me map by SadboylmaO (medium demon?)(1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] Iridescent Mania by coldpot (medium demon) (1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] Mummy Issues by DustyBud (insane demon? plat.)
[Geometry Dash] arctic alpine by ShadowIan (easy demon) (1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] Artificial Ascent 100% my 1000th demon
[Geometry Dash] Conventional w1sdom (insane demon?)(1 coin)暂停大法好
[Geometry Dash] Sephiroth Ultra by Soup26 (insane demon)
[Geometry Dash] Entrenched by easymode (extreme demon plat.)(1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] (全国首杀) Crerro Kaizo I by Crerro (extreme demon plat.)
[Geometry Dash] Dungeon Treasures by Astronaut21 (extreme demon plat.)(3 coins)
[Geometry Dash] Stargaze by luddee&more (easy demon) (1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] Patatrak by MrLithium&orangeboiii (hard demon) (1 coin)
[Geometry Dash] Chief Needler by Orelu (extreme demon plat.)