[Green Stuff World] 冬季场景战斗装甲模型涂装
我们和Dust1947的朋友们一起回归了,在本期视频中将向大家展示我们的Liquid Frost霜冻效果溶液在这个冬季场景战斗装甲模型中的应用。大家在视频中还可以看到各种色漆,wash ink, master medium刮擦刷,海绵头风化棒,颜料土,黑色金属颜料, Fluor荧光颜料,紫外线树脂的使用方法哟! https://dustgame.com/ www.greenstuffworld.cn
[Green Stuff World] Wash Inks 使用教程
[Green Stuff World] 纯金属粉末颜料
[Green Stuff World] Candy Ink使用教程
[Green Stuff World] 紫外线树脂,飞溅凝胶模仿水花飞溅、涟漪、海浪
[Green Stuff World] GLOW夜光粉末颜料
[Green Stuff World] 紫外线树脂 - 制造水效果
[Green Stuff World] 新套漆 - Maxx配方
[Green Stuff World] Let's paint comic style!
[Green Stuff World] 湿盘测评
[Green Stuff World] Maxx Darth 超黑涂料
[Green Stuff World] Gree Putty绿色补土
[Green Stuff World] UV补土
[Green Stuff World] 学习使用金属滤镜漆和Inks
[Green Stuff World] NMM金色涂装
[Green Stuff World] 纹理膏模仿锈蚀效果
[Green Stuff World] Mega Set Basics Colors Vol. 2
[Green Stuff World] 黑色铬漆 - 原铸星际战士涂色
[Green Stuff World] 普通颜色金属化 - Interference金属干扰色
[Green Stuff World] Mastering OSL Techniques with Maxx Darth Black Paint
[Green Stuff World] 兽人血
[Green Stuff World] 干扫膏
[Green Stuff World] 铬漆
[Green Stuff World] 翻模用GSW有机硅补土
[Green Stuff World] 环氧树脂AB胶
[Green Stuff World] Obsidian黑曜协议模型涂色
[Green Stuff World] 模型涂色: High King of the Deep
[Green Stuff World] 肤色套漆教程
[Green Stuff World] 金属滤镜漆 - 干扰色 Interference 喷涂&笔涂测试
[Green Stuff World] 金属效果
[Green Stuff World] 新品Dipping Inks试色
[Green Stuff World] 模型衣物涂色
[Green Stuff World] 木材纹理绘画
[Green Stuff World] 树脂染料
[Green Stuff World] Maxx Darth Black Paint
[Green Stuff World] Opaque Colors 不透明涂料
[Green Stuff World] 兽人汽车涂装
[Green Stuff World] 夜光飞溅凝胶 Glow Splash Gel
[Green Stuff World] 纳垢涂色
[Green Stuff World] 坦克上色+做旧
[Green Stuff World] 雪景效果