【PIU XX】Passacaglia/帕萨卡利亚 D22 SS 6Great
Pump it Up XX Song Title: Passacaglia Artist: Synthwulf BPM: 175 Step Chart: D22 Options: AV-660 / BGA DARK / BASIC SKIN Player: MANITTO Location: NanJing FengYunZaiQi ZhengHongDaShaDian
【PIU XX】Keep On! D21 SS 4Great
【PIU XX】Orbit Stabilizer S21 SS 5Great!
【PIU XX】CannonX.1 S21 SS 7Great
【PIU/E舞成名竞速】自制谱✔ INSTANT Vampire StartKit
【PIU XX】Conflict/公交车 S22 SS 11Great
【PIU Phoenix】Acquire S20 997,364 7Great SSS+ [U.GAME]
【PIU XX】Donatello/海盗船 D22 SS 2Great
【PIU XX】新歌速递1.0 Good Night - Full Song - S21 SS 1Great WTF...
【PIU XX】事不过三!Imprinting D21 SS 3Great Finally!
【PIU XX】Phantom -Intermezzo- /歌剧魅影 D21 SS 4Great
【PIU XX】Nihilism - Another Ver. - S21 SS 3Great All Combo Play!
【PIU XX】Windmill S21 S 2Good Finally!
【PIU XX】Time For The Moon Night/月夜 - FULL SONG - S21 SS 2Great Finally!
【PIU XX】Tropicanic D21 SS 2Great
【PIU XX】Infinity S21 SS 3Great
【PIU XX】Imprinting S21 SS 13Great
【PIU XX】Good Bye - Full Song - D21 S 2Good
【PIU XX】Telling Fortune Flower S21 SS 6Great
【PIU XX】新歌速递4.0 Brown Sky S21 SS 1Great
【PIU XX】Everybody Got to Know-remix- S19 SS 24Great
【PIU XX】Indestructible D20 SS 1Great WTF!!!
【PIU XX】Nihilism -Another Ver.- D23 SS 9Great
【PIU XX】Kill Them! D19 SS 1Great
【PIU XX】Allegro Con Fuoco - Full Song - D21 SS 6Great
【PIU XX】Gargoyle - Full Song - D25 HJ 23Miss Break On
【PIU Phoenix】Conflict D25 970,483 S Clear!
【PIU XX】Iolite Sky D21 SS 5Great
【PIU XX】Broken Karma D23 S 1Bad WTF...
【PIU XX】Broken Karma S19 VJ SS 7Great
【PIU XX】Super Stylin' D21 SS 3Great
【PIU Phoenix】Love is a Danger Zone 2 D24 992,555 4Miss SSS
【PIU XX】Orbit Stabilizer D23 S 2Good
【PIU XX】Death Moon/死月 D21 SS 3Great
【PIU XX】Nyarlathotep S21 SS 13Great
【PIU/E舞成名竞速】自制谱✔ ありふれたせかいせいふく / 司空见惯的世界征服
【PIU XX】Love Scenario D19 SSS Absolutely Perfect Play!
【PIU XX】Gloria D24 SS 22Great By:RSS 世界首SS???
【PIU Phoenix】MEGAHEARTZ D25 975,046 S+ Clear!