京东 11.11 红包
Resistance_ 'We Are Allowed To Resist' Helps Us To Feel
How To Feel – Allowing Yourself To Feel Your Feelings Fully
How To Let Go of My Resistance To Truth
The Choices We Make In Regards to Money Due To Fears and Injuries in Love
Why do I like alcohol & drugs so much to make me feel happy_
You're taught to expect that We should not feel grief.
TMS - How To Feel Your Emotions to End Pain
What is Resistance_
Why does life often feel so helpless and empty_
What Are the Underlying Causes of Anger_
Why do I use excuses to not feel my emotions_
How Does the Hurt-self Feel About the Facade-self_
20151117-1200 Addiction To Power & Superiority (Monique De Martin)
Jesus on our Terror to Feel our Pain
20120829 Interview With Jesus & Mary - Humility S4 (Resistance To Humility P1)
I Judge My Hatred Emotions, What Happens Then & How To Solve it
Suppressing My Emotions with Intellect, Sitting in Anger vs Experiencing Anger
How an Animal's Life Work; How We Affect Our Pets; Demanding Cats; Pet's Life in
We are all desensitized to our feelings, emotions and pain
Personal 'truth' must be faced before Divine Truth be found
Gary Zukav On Making Responsible Choices on The Oprah Show 1999
Jesus on Jealousy
What is anger_
Is it my fault if I was abused_
☼ Why We Judge Ourselves & Others
Guilt, Law of Compensation, Repentance, Mercy
Stay open to your physical pain.
What are addictions_
feel responsible for other people not knowing the truth,Sincerity. Constancy.
Why do we feel happy on the _Natural Love_ path & sad when following _The Way__
Emotional Incestuous Relationships Between Parent and Child
Am I responsible for others pain_
Why are Romantic Relationships So Difficult_
How Do I Develop Self Responsibility_ & Why Don't We Want to Care for Ourselves_
We feel meet our addictions is a good thing.
When judge our facade. We are Attacking ourselves. Like when we are in Childhood
Pain will go away once you start feeling emotions, feel your terror
why it is so much harder to give up _feel bad addictions_ such as self-judgement
How is fear created_
ABC of Emotions_ How to use the FEELINGS WHEEL to develop Emotional Literacy 🎨_
Mask You Live In (Clip 1)