京东 11.11 红包
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_1l_FHym7I The Highs And Lows Of One Year All Digital Marching into this new generation, Kurt made a conscious choice to go all-digital with the Xbox Series S and the Playstation 5. And the result has been, well, rather unexpected. Going all-digital can be a troubling prospect for some gamers. No selling/trading in games? No borrowing or lending them? What if your favorite series just disappears off the digital marketplace? They're all valid points. But still, Kurt Indovina marched bravely, or maybe naively, into an all-digital future with the Xbox Series S and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. Join Kurt on the highs and lows of his digital future, including his unexpected appreciation for past games. The digital future can feel like a brittle one. Games like Jump Force will cease to exist on digital storefronts come February 2022; Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 have pulled due to licensing issues over archival footage; and Rockstar Games delisted GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas weeks before the release of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy -- The Definitive Edition. On the flipside, however, there's a lot for what digital features offer, like Xbox's Quick Resume, and the digital service Game Pass. #PS5 #XBOX
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