Evolve University进化大学泰拳训练课程之九:泰式推踢运用全攻略(自用收藏)
https://evolve-university.com/courses/training-series/albums/muay-thai-training-series-push-kick/ Keep your opponent at bay with push kick techniques from our Muay Thai World Champions! The push kick, or teep, is a straight kicking technique in Muay Thai. Typically used to push your opponent away and keep them from advancing on you, the push kick is the kicking equivalent of the jab, albeit with a lot more range. Learn to use the push kick to cut off an advancing opponent, or to force your opponent back onto the ropes to continue your assault. Mastery of this versatile technique will enable you to dictate the distance you want to keep the fight at. In this Training Series, Evolve MMA’s Muay Thai World Champions break down the various techniques of executing push kicks. Covering numerous techniques for offensive and defensive push kicks, advanced practitioners will gain insights into the finer details of each technique. Beginners will benefit greatly as these World Champions share common mistakes to look out for. This Training Series will help Muay Thai practitioners improve their push kick techniques, form and timing. With a full complement of 13 chapters of content and 4 hours of on-demand video, Evolve University’s Muay Thai Training Series: Push Kick is the perfect guide to push kick like a World Champion.
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