RISC-V 粘贴模块 | A RISC-V Stick-on
YouTube This is the worlds tiniest IP KVM. And the cheapest. Does it work? Sipeed sent me the NanoKVM units used in this video, so I marked it as 'sponsored'—they did not pay any money nor did they have any input into the content of this video. Resources I mentioned in this video: - NanoKVM GitHub repo: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM - My blog post: TODO - Open source issue: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM/issues/1 - USB power backfeed issue: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM/issues/40 -------- 这是世界上最小的IP KVM。同时也是最便宜的。它能工作吗? Sipeed向我发送了视频中使用的NanoKVM单元,因此我将其标记为“赞助”——他们没有支付任何费用,也没有对视频内容有任何输入。 视频中提到的资源: - NanoKVM GitHub 仓库: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM - 我的博客文章: TODO - 开源问题: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM/issues/1 - USB供电反向馈电问题: https://github.com/sipeed/NanoKVM/issues/40 --------- https://youtube.com/watch?v=riDd6d0Vmy0 | 20240920
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