京东 11.11 红包
This is my drill. I’m a carpenter .
This saw we call a hacksaw .
These are my cousins. This is my aunt and uncle.
This isn’t a tiger. It’s a zebra .
have 与have got 的用法
This will be easy for Eddy. He is slow.
This is the countryside. What pretty flowers!
This bed is nice and warm. I feel very comfortable.
we build/we saw/we drill/we hang
I need a break
The car wash stinks. This field trip is terrible!
Wake up. It’s time to take a shower.
Go straight and turn left at the gas station.
That’s my rubber and ruler.
A bump in the night 夜深人不静
Who’s he与who is he的读法相同
The goats go. The animals go.
What are you doing? Nothing.
What are we going to do?
Hide behind the bush. Please don’t shout!
You are burning up
How often do you go fishing? I always go fishing.
Eat your cereal .
This isn’t a real person. This is a fake person.
I would love to…我很乐意
An insect! Yuk!
cloudy 多云的、阴天
zebra /zipper
Howdy! 你好
Whose comic book is this?
What is your name
I’m doing great.
There are many different kinds of sharks. All sharks live in water.
You’re good at something
There are 或There’re的三种读法
Time is up