京东 11.11 红包
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 遵大路
Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 遵大路/Zheng Wind - Toast to Grand Chariot A new interpretation is developed not only for this poem but also for most of the 2 paragraphs structure poems in Zheng Wind. In general, the two paragraphs poems is dedicated to something abnormal, this observation applys to all the Wind poems in Shijing. Characters 遵, 路, 掺, 祛, 寁 , 魗 are further analysed. 无我恶兮 could also be interpreted as: please ignore my bad behavior, the character 无 means taking something as not existing. 郑风 遵大路 佚名 遵大路兮,掺执子之袪兮。 无我恶兮,不寁故也。 遵大路兮,掺执子之手兮。 无我魗兮,不寁好也。
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 缁衣
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 有女同车
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 叔于田
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 出其东门
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 将仲子
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 清人
Chinese poem illustration 陈风 东门之枌
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 野有蔓草
Chinese poem illustration 邶风 匏有苦叶
Chinese poem illustration 邶风 凯风
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 敬之
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 清庙
Chinese poem illustration 鄘风 柏舟
Chinese poem illustration 齐风 载驱
Chinese poem illustration 周南 葛覃
Chinese poem illustration 鲁颂 駉
Chinese poem illustration 卫风 芄兰
Chinese poem illustration 商颂 玄鸟
Chinese poem illustration 豳风 鸱鸮
Chinese poem illustration 王风 兔爰
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 武
Chinese poem illustration 郑风 子衿
Chinese poem illustration 大雅 生民
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 执竞
Chinese poem illustration 大雅 常武
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 思文
Chinese poem illustration 召南 行露
Chinese poem illustration 周颂 我将 时迈
Chinese poem illustration 商颂 那
Chinese poem illustration 召南 小星
Chinese poem illustration 陈风 宛丘
Chinese poem illustration 曹风 下泉
Chinese poem illustration 桧风 匪风
Chinese poem illustration 鄘风 墙有茨
Chinese poem illustration 邶风 谷风
Chinese poem illustration 邶风 静女
Chinese poem illustration 陈风 株林
Chinese poem illustration 齐风 敝笱
Chinese poem illustration 王风 黍离
Chinese poem illustration 唐风 葛生