京东 11.11 红包
I like your new hule hoop. It has pretty sparkles.
I like to be clean. It helps me go fast.
It has two red eyes and one ugly nose. It’s too dark. I have an idea.
zebra /zipper
have 与have got 的用法
She drove through the puddle again.
I must find shelter.
How will we get apples?
【英雄联盟】血汗与泪水 | 官方音乐视频宣传片
A branch shook and leaves fell.
Passage 19
will be…
sang (sing的过去式)
The goats go. The animals go.
Mud spayed everywhere.
The brushes cleaned Eddy’s top.
That’s how we can get on board. 就是这样
Floppy’s bath
At last Bat knew what to do. He flew back to Pig.
Thank you for saving my life. Don’t mention it.
There are a parrot and a cat here.
I will fly the kite. Pig went back to the barn.
Then he pulled Zippy out.
pancake 烙的薄饼
【16集全】经典英音美音 # 看影视学英语系列,快速提升词汇量、口语、听力,刷完词汇量暴涨10000+
A fire crackled in the fireplace.
【八分钟播客】How To Speak English Fluently 如何说一口流利的英语
Wordlist 1
She curled up.
There’re ten steps
linking practice 3
The backyard/the hose/the fence/the swing
The dinosaur blinked.
Pig closed his eyes.
Gotcha! How did you escape?
Who’s he与who is he的读法相同