京东 11.11 红包
What’s up?
I Don’t Know What Clothes To Wear
What do we need to camp?
have 与have got 的用法
What super food! What great food!
The dinosaur blinked.
It’s a little muddy. It’s a good thing we wore our boots.
Whose comic book is this? It’s very funny! 很有意思
We’re learning to swim this week. What skills are we going to learn?
I will wait for the rain to stop.
empty 的读法
to be+adj.
We are mammals. 哺乳动物
Mud spayed everywhere.
muttered 低声抱怨
Passage 12 B
We can close our nose holes.
sang (sing的过去式)
That’s my rubber and ruler.
He held out his arms.
The racetrack was empty. It was smooth.
And our long eyelashes protect our eyes.
That smells good.
Can you please help me
The goats go. The animals go.
think of a way 想出一个办法
head for 前往、朝…走去
Floppy’s bath
The dinosaur rubbed her leg.
We get to take the bus by ourselves.
fire extinguisher /pin
I would love to…我很乐意
Then he scratched his head.
Do not worry, Cat.
Rex swung the vine again.
I’m Rex. And this is Sid.
The wind blew harder. The ladder fell over.
There’re ten steps