【中英】脉络膜上腔注射:粘弹剂眼内层间顶压治疗孔源性视网膜脱离 Vitrectomy and Suprachoroidal Viscopexy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca-f7mG4-cw 原标题:Vitrectomy and Intraoperative Suprachoroidal Viscopexy Using Viscous Fluid Control Injection 原视频: https://www.alipan.com/s/JmcSEbZ6Rm7 点击链接保存,或者复制本段内容,打开「阿里云盘」APP ,无需下载极速在线查看,视频原画倍速播放。 参考文献:Muni RH, Melo IM, Pecaku A, Mannina A, Batawi H, Bansal A. In-Office Suprachoroidal Viscopexy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2023;141(10):933–936. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2023.3785 联合玻璃体切割和脉络膜上腔顶压(SCVEXY)用于额外的支持下颞断裂孔的累计黄斑。本视频重点介绍了术中SCVEXY的部分操作。经结膜脉络膜上注射透明质酸钠,2.3%,粘弹性剂在结膜下麻醉下在颞下象限进行,使用30G针头和静脉套管。防护罩使得只有1毫米的针长暴露出来。在注射前,在显微镜下内部确认该部位位于视网膜裂口的中心下方,并确认针头位置不会太深。在玻璃体切割机的液体注入模式下直接注射0.4 mL的粘弹性液,形成圆顶状的脉络膜抬高。 Combined pars plana vitrectomy and suprachoroidal viscopexy (SCVEXY) were performed for additional support of the inferior temporal breaks in a macula-off detachment with multiple breaks. This video highlights the part of the procedure in which the SCVEXY is being performed intraoperatively. The transconjunctival suprachoroidal injection of sodium hyaluronate, 2.3%, viscoelastic agent (Healon 5; Abbott Medical Optics) was carried out in the inferior temporal quadrant under subconjunctival anesthesia, using a 30G needle with a custom-made guard made using intravenous tubing (CHS Med-RX Lot 165225). The guard was made such that only 1 mm of the needle length was exposed. Prior to the injection, the site was verified internally under the microscope as being under the center of the retinal breaks, and the needle position was confirmed to not be too deep. While 0.4 mL of viscoelastic was injected under direct visualization using the viscous fluid control of the vitrectomy machine, a dome-shaped choroidal elevation formed.
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