一定要看到最后!黑人湍哥的奇妙滴滴之旅! -Awkward Puppets:Worst Uber Experience
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HePBbo0fZ6c&t=2s 视频来源于:Awkward Puppets 转载请注明译者和视频链接哦:D 注意别呛着水了
给大家介绍一下美国的特色菜系:“白人菜” -Awkward Puppets:Cooking With White People
疯狂对线!教你如何怒怼烦人电话客服!-Awkward Puppets:Customer Service
当黑人警察也开始种族歧视时... -Awkward Puppets:Meet Twon
美墨大战!超搞笑的种族歧视笑话第四弹! -Awkward Puppets:Car Talk ft El Chapo (Ep. 4)
世界上最长的一分钟 -Awkward Puppet:World's Longest Minute
只有我一个人看他俩吵架时会笑个不停嘛? -Awkward Puppets :Couples Therapy (Ep. 3)
这个电话客服竟然在疯狂的给我安利综艺!? -Awkward Puppets:Customer Service (Ep. 2)
警情通报:逃犯“玩偶迪亚哥”依然在逃! -Awkward Puppets:Police Chase After Diego (Part Two)
如果平常一向很贱的男友突然开始煽情,那就说明... -Awkward Puppets:Couples Therapy (Ep. 2)
当素食者店员遇上肉食者顾客 -Awkward Puppets:Food Truck
看健身视频的墨西哥人民:tmd有被内涵到 -Awkward Puppets:Racist Workout
愿所有讹人者终能被讹❤️-Awkward Puppets:Date Night
论当代女青年的发疯日常 -Awkward Puppets:Meet Sarah
如果你的老婆能看出你有没有撒谎... -Awkward Puppets:Couples Therapy
你知道Maria有多少种拼法吗? -Awkward Puppets:Customer Service
迪亚哥vlog#4这难道不是你们逛商场的样子?迪亚哥犀利吐槽购物广场! -Awkward Puppets:Diego Goes Shopping
迪亚哥的爆笑Vlog#1 -Awkward Puppets:Diego Vlog #1
迪亚哥音乐劫第四集:我 是 歌 手 -Awkward Puppets :Music With Diego (Ep. 4)
认识一下Awkward Puppets的全员吧! -Awkward Puppets:Welcome to Awkward Puppets!
这是一个墨西哥人在犹太派对上赚了1000刀的故事 -Awkward Puppets:Wrong Party
论一个人的白日梦能做到何种程度 -Awkward Puppets:Diego Goes Clubbing
不是纯黑的黑人 -Awkward Puppets:Meet the Carls
看到一张丑陋男友和女明星亲嘴的照片,他们出轨的概率有多大?-Awkward Puppets:Very Crazy Wife
你身边的强迫症朋友 -Awkward Puppets:OCD
世界上好笑的保护环境公益广告 -Awkward Puppets:Happy#EarthDay
当代毕业生的悲惨生活(bushi -Awkward Puppet:Meet Sam
Rudy为AWKWARD PUPPETS配音的珍贵影像! -Awkward Puppets:Behind The Puppets
超搞笑的种族偏见笑话大赏第二弹! -Awkward Puppets:Car Talk (Ep. 2)
当嘴欠玩偶碰上毒辣网红Lele Pons,你来我往爆笑出击!-Awkward Puppets:Hilarious Q&A with Lele Pons
全片高能!迪亚哥正在家里出轨,却突然得知妻子马上到家! -Awkward Puppets:How To Be Honest
一个墨西哥玩偶是怎么看美国的 -Awkward Puppets:Benita In American
得知川普大选输了之后,墨西哥玩偶高兴地唱起了Rap -Awkward Puppets:Diego's Rap (Ep. 2)
找工作这事 讲的就是一个缘分 -Awkward Puppets:Job Interview
成年玩偶互助会之留言纸条 -Awkward Puppet:Passing Notes
反向偷渡?迪亚哥的墨西哥寻父之旅!-Awkward Puppets:Diego Goes to Mexico
《绿皮书》都没你俩好看!超搞笑的种族歧视笑话第三弹! -Awkward Puppets:Car Talk (Ep. 3)
霸道黑帮爱上我(划掉)Siri -Awkward Puppets:Sam Gets Kidnapped
如 果 把 迪 克 和 浦 西 全 都 拟 人 化 .........